www.gusucode.com > serendipity PHP博客系统 v2.3.1PHP源码程序 > serendipity PHP博客系统 v2.3.1/Serendipity2.3.1/Serendipity-2.3.1/lang/serendipity_lang_no.inc.php

# Copyright (c) 2003-2005, Jannis Hermanns (on behalf the Serendipity Developer Team)
# All rights reserved.  See LICENSE file for licensing details
# Translation (c) by Jo Christian Oterhals <oterhals@gmail.com>
/* vim: set sts=4 ts=4 expandtab : */

@define('LANG_CHARSET', 'ISO-8859-1');
@define('SQL_CHARSET', 'latin1');
@define('DATE_LOCALES', 'no_NO.ISO-8859-1, no_NO.ISO8859-1, norwegian, no, no_NO, no_');
@define('DATE_FORMAT_ENTRY', '%A - %e. %B %Y');
@define('DATE_FORMAT_SHORT', '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M');
@define('WYSIWYG_LANG', 'no');
@define('LANG_DIRECTION', 'ltr');

@define('SERENDIPITY_ADMIN_SUITE', 'Serendipity Administrasjonssuite');
@define('HAVE_TO_BE_LOGGED_ON', 'Du m? v?re logget inn for ? kunne se denne siden');
@define('WRONG_USERNAME_OR_PASSWORD', 'Du har tastet inn feil brukernavn eller passord');
@define('APPEARANCE', 'Utseende');
@define('MANAGE_STYLES', 'Administrer temaer');
@define('CONFIGURE_PLUGINS', 'Konfigurerer plugins');
@define('CONFIGURATION', 'Konfigurasjon');
@define('BACK_TO_BLOG', 'Tilbake til weblogg');
@define('LOGIN', 'Logg inn');
@define('LOGOUT', 'Logg ut');
@define('LOGGEDOUT', 'Logget ut.');
@define('CREATE', 'Opprett');
@define('SAVE', 'Lagre');
@define('NAME', 'Navn');
@define('CREATE_NEW_CAT', 'Oppret ny kategori');
@define('I_WANT_THUMB', 'Jeg vil bruke minibildet i min artikkel.');
@define('I_WANT_BIG_IMAGE', 'Jeg vil bruke det originale bildet i min artikkel.');
@define('I_WANT_NO_LINK', 'Vis bildet uten link');
@define('I_WANT_IT_TO_LINK', 'Vis bildet med link');
@define('BACK', 'Tilbake');
@define('FORWARD', 'Frem');
@define('ANONYMOUS', 'Anonym');
@define('NEW_TRACKBACK_TO', 'Ny trackback opprettet til');
@define('NEW_COMMENT_TO', 'Ny kommentar opprettet til');
@define('RECENT', 'Nyere...');
@define('OLDER', 'Eldre...');
@define('DONE', 'Ferdig');
@define('WELCOME_BACK', 'Velkommen tilbake,');
@define('TITLE', 'Tittel');
@define('DESCRIPTION', 'Beskrivelse');
@define('PLACEMENT', 'Plassering');
@define('DELETE', 'Slett');
@define('UP', 'OPP');
@define('DOWN', 'NED');
@define('ENTRIES', 'artikler');
@define('NEW_ENTRY', 'Ny artikkel');
@define('EDIT_ENTRIES', 'Rediger artikler');
@define('CATEGORIES', 'Kategorier');
@define('WARNING_THIS_BLAHBLAH', "ADVARSEL:\\nDette kan ta lang tid hvis det er mange bilder uten minibilder.");
@define('CREATE_THUMBS', 'Lag minibilder p? nytt');
@define('MANAGE_IMAGES', 'Administrer bilder');
@define('NAME', 'Navn');
@define('EMAIL', 'Email');
@define('HOMEPAGE', 'Hjemmeside');
@define('COMMENT', 'Kommentar');
@define('REMEMBER_INFO', 'Husk opplysninger?');
@define('SUBMIT_COMMENT', 'Legg til kommentar');
@define('NO_ENTRIES_TO_PRINT', 'Der er ingen artikler ? vise');
@define('COMMENTS', 'Kommentarer');
@define('ADD_COMMENT', 'Legg til kommentar');
@define('NO_COMMENTS', 'Ingen kommentar');
@define('POSTED_BY', 'Skrevet av');
@define('ON', 'aktiv');
@define('A_NEW_COMMENT_BLAHBLAH', 'En ny kommentar har blitt opprettet p? din blog "%s", til artiklen med navnet "%s".');
@define('A_NEW_TRACKBACK_BLAHBLAH', 'En ny trackback har blitt laget til din artikkel ved navn "%s".');
@define('NO_CATEGORY', 'Ingen kategori');
@define('ENTRY_BODY', 'Artikkelinnhold');
@define('EXTENDED_BODY', 'Utvidet innhold');
@define('CATEGORY', 'Kategori');
@define('EDIT', 'Rediger');
@define('NO_ENTRIES_BLAHBLAH', 'Ingen artikler ble funnet som inneholdt %s' . "\n");
@define('YOUR_SEARCH_RETURNED_BLAHBLAH', 'Ditt s?k p? %s retunerte %s resultater:');
@define('IMAGE', 'Bilde');
@define('ERROR_FILE_NOT_EXISTS', 'Feil: Det gamle filnavnet finnes ikke!');
@define('ERROR_FILE_EXISTS', 'Feil: Det nye filnavnet brukes allerede, velg et andet!');
@define('ERROR_SOMETHING', 'Feil: Der gikk noe galt');
@define('ADDING_IMAGE', 'Legg til et bilde...');
@define('THUMB_CREATED_DONE', 'Minibilde er oprettet.<br>Utf?rt.');
@define('ERROR_FILE_EXISTS_ALREADY', 'Feil: Filen finnes allerede p? din maskin!');
@define('GO', 'Begynn!');
@define('NEWSIZE', 'Ny st?rrelse: ');
@define('RESIZE_BLAHBLAH', '<b>Endre st?rrelse p? %s</b>');
@define('ORIGINAL_SIZE', 'Original st?rrelse: <i>%sx%s</i> pixel');
@define('HERE_YOU_CAN_ENTER_BLAHBLAH', '<p>Her kan du justere bildets st?rrelse. Hvis du vil bevare proporsjonene, beh?ver du bare taste en av verdiene og trykke p? TAB-tasten.  Jeg vil automatisk beregne den andre verdien:');
@define('QUICKJUMP_CALENDAR', 'Hurtigkalender');
@define('QUICKSEARCH', 'S?k');
@define('SEARCH_FOR_ENTRY', 'S?k etter en artikkel');
@define('ARCHIVES', 'Arkiver');
@define('BROWSE_ARCHIVES', 'Bla gjennom arkiv etter m?neder');
@define('TOP_REFERRER', 'Referanser');
@define('SHOWS_TOP_SITES', 'Viser de sitene som oftest linker til din blog');
@define('TOP_EXITS', 'Exit-sider');
@define('SHOWS_TOP_EXIT', 'Viser de exit-sider det har blitt klikket flest ganger p?');
@define('SYNDICATION', 'Syndikering');
@define('SHOWS_RSS_BLAHBLAH', 'Viser RSS syndikeringslinker');
@define('ADVERTISES_BLAHBLAH', 'Reklamer for din blogs opprinnelse');
@define('HTML_NUGGET', 'HTML Nugget');
@define('HOLDS_A_BLAHBLAH', 'Inneholder en bit HTML i din sidebar');
@define('TITLE_FOR_NUGGET', 'Tittel p? din nugget');
@define('THE_NUGGET', 'HTML-innholdet av din nugget');
@define('SYNDICATE_THIS_BLOG', 'Syndiker denne bloggen');
@define('YOU_CHOSE', 'Du valgte %s');
@define('IMAGE_SIZE', 'Bildest?rrelse');
@define('IMAGE_AS_A_LINK', 'Sett inn bilde');
@define('POWERED_BY', 'Drives av');
@define('TRACKBACKS', 'Trackbacks');
@define('TRACKBACK', 'Trackback');
@define('NO_TRACKBACKS', 'Ingen Trackbacks');
@define('TOPICS_OF', 'Emner av');
@define('VIEW_FULL', 'Vis fullt');
@define('VIEW_TOPICS', 'Vis temaer');
@define('AT', 'kl');
@define('SET_AS_TEMPLATE', 'Sett som mal');
@define('IN', 'i');
@define('EXCERPT', 'Utdrag');
@define('TRACKED', 'Tracked');
@define('LINK_TO_ENTRY', 'Link til artikkel');
@define('LINK_TO_REMOTE_ENTRY', 'Link til ekstern artikkel');
@define('IP_ADDRESS', 'IP-adresse');
@define('USER', 'Bruker');
@define('THUMBNAIL_USING_OWN', 'Bruker %s i seg selv som minibilde, fordi det allerede er s? lite.');
@define('THUMBNAIL_FAILED_COPY', 'Ville gjerne ha brukt %s som minibilde i seg selv, men kunne ikke kopiere!');
@define('AUTHOR', 'Forfatter');
@define('LAST_UPDATED', 'Sist opdatert');
@define('TRACKBACK_SPECIFIC', 'Trackback URI til denne artikkel');
@define('DIRECT_LINK', 'Direktelink til denne artikkel');
@define('COMMENT_ADDED', 'Din kommentar ble lagt til. ');
@define('COMMENT_ADDED_CLICK', 'Klik %her for ? g? tilbake%s til kommentarene, og %sher for ? lukke%s dette vinduet.');
@define('COMMENT_NOT_ADDED_CLICK', 'Klikk %sher for ? g? tilbake%s til kommentarene, og %sher for ? lukke%s dette vinduet. ');
@define('COMMENTS_DISABLE', 'Tillat ikke kommentarer til denne artikkelen');
@define('COMMENTS_ENABLE', 'Tillat kommentarer til denne artikkelen');
@define('COMMENTS_CLOSED', 'Forfatteren har valgt ikke ? tillate kommentarer til denne artikkelen');
@define('EMPTY_COMMENT', 'Din kommentar indeholdt ikke noe, vennligst g? %stilbage%s og pr?v igjen');
@define('ENTRIES_FOR', 'Artikler fra %s');
@define('DOCUMENT_NOT_FOUND', 'Dokumentet %s kunne ikke finnes.');
@define('USERNAME', 'Brukernavn');
@define('PASSWORD', 'Passord');
@define('AUTOMATIC_LOGIN', 'Lagre oplysningerne');
@define('SERENDIPITY_INSTALLATION', 'Serendipity Installasjon');
@define('LEFT', 'venstre');
@define('RIGHT', 'h?yre');
@define('HIDDEN', 'skjult');
@define('REMOVE_TICKED_PLUGINS', 'Fjern valgte plugins');
@define('SAVE_CHANGES_TO_LAYOUT', 'Lagre layout-endringene');
@define('COMMENTS_FROM', 'Kommentar fra');
@define('ERROR', 'Feil');
@define('ENTRY_SAVED', 'Din artikkel ble lagret');
@define('DELETE_SURE', 'Er du sikker p? du vil slette #%s permanent?');
@define('NOT_REALLY', 'Egentlig ikke...');
@define('DUMP_IT', 'Kast den!');
@define('RIP_ENTRY', 'Farvel artikkel #%s');
@define('CATEGORY_DELETED_ARTICLES_MOVED', 'Kategori #%s ble slettet. Gamle artikler flyttet til kategori #%s');
@define('CATEGORY_DELETED', 'Kategori #%s ble slettet.');
@define('INVALID_CATEGORY', 'Ingen kategori ble valgt for sletting');
@define('CATEGORY_SAVED', 'Kategori lagret');
@define('SELECT_TEMPLATE', 'Velg den malen du ?nsker ? bruke til din blog');
@define('ENTRIES_NOT_SUCCESSFULLY_INSERTED', 'Det var problemer under innsettelsen av artiklene!');
@define('YES', 'Ja');
@define('NO', 'Nei');
@define('USE_DEFAULT', 'Default');
@define('CHECK_N_SAVE', 'Sjekk &amp; lagre');
@define('DIRECTORY_WRITE_ERROR', 'Kan ikke skrive til biblioteket %s. Sjekk filrettighederne.');
@define('DIRECTORY_CREATE_ERROR', 'Biblioteket %s eksisterer ikke og kunne ikke op1prettes. Vennligst opprett biblioteket manuelt');
@define('DIRECTORY_RUN_CMD', '&nbsp;-&gt; Kj?r <i>%s %s</i>');
@define('CANT_EXECUTE_BINARY', 'Kan ikke eksekvere %s');
@define('FILE_WRITE_ERROR', 'Kan ikke skrive til filen %s.');
@define('FILE_CREATE_YOURSELF', 'Venligst opprett filen selv og sjekk dens rettigheter');
@define('COPY_CODE_BELOW', '<br />* Kopier koden nedenunder og plasser den i %s i din %s mappe:<b><pre>%s</pre></b>' . "\n");
@define('WWW_USER', 'Endre www til den bruker som apache k?rer som (fx. nobody).');
@define('BROWSER_RELOAD', 'N?r du har gjort dette, s? tryk p? browserens "oppdater"-knapp');
@define('DIAGNOSTIC_ERROR', 'Vi har opdaget noen feil mens vi k?rte noen diagnostikker p? dine oppgitte informasjoner:');
@define('SERENDIPITY_NOT_INSTALLED', 'Serendipity er enn? ikke installert. Klikk <a href="%s">her for ? installere</a> n?.');
@define('INCLUDE_ERROR', 'serendipityfeil: Kunne ikke inkludere %s - Avbryter.');
@define('DATABASE_ERROR', 'serendipityfeil: Kunne ikke oprette forbindelse til databasen - Avbryter.');
@define('CREATE_DATABASE', 'Oppretter standarddatabase-setup...');
@define('ATTEMPT_WRITE_FILE', 'Fors?ker ? skrive til %s ...');
@define('WRITTEN_N_SAVED', 'Konfigurasjon skrevet &amp; lagret');
@define('IMAGE_ALIGNMENT', 'Bildejustering');
@define('ENTER_NEW_NAME', 'Oppgi det nye navn for: ');
@define('RESIZING', 'Endre dimensjoner');
@define('RESIZE_DONE', 'Ferdig (Endret %s bilder).');
@define('SYNCING', 'Synkronisere databasen med bildemappen');
@define('SYNC_OPTION_LEGEND', 'Thumbnail Synchronization Options');
@define('SYNC_OPTION_KEEPTHUMBS', 'Keep all existing thumbnails');
@define('SYNC_OPTION_SIZECHECKTHUMBS', 'Keep existing thumbnails only if they are the correct size');
@define('SYNC_OPTION_DELETETHUMBS', 'Regenerate all thumbnails');
@define('SYNC_DONE', 'Ferdig (Synkroniserte %s bilder).');
@define('DELETE_IMAGE_FAIL' , 'Kunne ikke slette bildet <b>%s</b>');
@define('DELETE_THUMBNAIL', 'Slettet bildet med navn <b>%s</b>');
@define('FILE_NOT_FOUND', 'Kunne ikke finne filen ved navn <b>%s</b>, den er kanskje allerede slettet?');
@define('ABORT_NOW', 'Avbryt n?');
@define('REMOTE_FILE_NOT_FOUND', 'Filen kunne ikke finnes p? serveren, er du sikker p? at URL-en: <b>%s</b> er korrekt?');
@define('FILE_FETCHED', '%s hentet: %s');
@define('FILE_UPLOADED', 'Filen %s er lastet opp: %s');
@define('WORD_OR', 'eller');
@define('SCALING_IMAGE', 'Endre st?rrelsen p? %s til %s x %s px');
@define('KEEP_PROPORTIONS', 'Bevar forholdet');
@define('REALLY_SCALE_IMAGE', 'Er du sikker p? at du vil endre st?rrelsen p? dette bildet? Det er ingen vei tilbake!');
@define('TOGGLE_ALL', 'Vis/Skjul alle');
@define('TOGGLE_OPTION', 'Vis/Skjul denne opsjonen');
@define('SUBSCRIBE_TO_THIS_ENTRY', 'Abonn?r p? denne artikkelen');
@define('UNSUBSCRIBE_OK', "%s er ikke lenger abonnent p? denne artikkelen");
@define('NEW_COMMENT_TO_SUBSCRIBED_ENTRY', 'Ny kommentar til abonnert artikkel "%s"');
@define('SUBSCRIPTION_MAIL', "Hej %s,\n\nEn ny kommentar er blitt lagt til en artikkel du abonnerer p? hos \"%s\", ved navn \"%s\"\nNavnet p? skribenten er: %s\n\nDu kan finne artikkelen her: %s\n\nDu kan stoppe ditt abonnement ved ? klikke p? denne linken: %s\n");
@define('SUBSCRIPTION_TRACKBACK_MAIL', "Hei %s,\n\nEn ny trackback er laget til en artikkel du abonnerer p? hos \"%s\", ved navn \"%s\"\nNavnet p? skribenten er: %s\n\nDu kan finne artiklen her: %s\n\nDu kan stoppe ditt abonnement ved ? klikke p? denne linken: %s\n");
@define('SIGNATURE', "\n-- \n%s bruker Serendipity.\nDen bedste blogg p? dette, du kan ogs? bruke det.\nKikk n?rmere p? <https://s9y.org> for ? finne mere informasjon.");
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_091', 'RSS 0.91-feed');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_10', 'RSS 1.0-feed');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_20', 'RSS 2.0-feed');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_20c', 'RSS 2.0-kommentarer');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_ATOM03', 'ATOM 0.3-feed');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_MANAGINGEDITOR', 'Feltet "Hovedredakt?r"');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_WEBMASTER',  'Feltet "webmaster"');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_BANNERURL', 'Bilde til RSS-feed');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_WEBMASTER_DESC',  'Emailadressen til webmasteren, hvis tilgjengelig. (tom: skjult) [RSS 2.0]');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_MANAGINGEDITOR_DESC', 'E-mailadressen til redakt?ren, hvis tilgjengelig. (tom: skjult) [RSS 2.0]');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_BANNERURL_DESC', 'URL til et bilde i GIF/JPEG/PNG format, hvis tilgjengelig. (tom: serendipity-logo)');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_BANNERWIDTH_DESC', 'i pixels, max. 144');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_BANNERHEIGHT_DESC', 'i pixels, max. 400');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_TTL', 'Feltet "ttl" (time-to-live)');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_TTL_DESC', 'Antallet minutter din blog skal caches av eksterne sider/programmer (tom: skjult) [RSS 2.0]');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_PUBDATE', 'Feltet "pubDate"');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_PUBDATE_DESC', 'Skal "pubDate"-feltet v?re innkapslet til en RSS-kanal, for ? vise datoen p? den nyeste artikkelen?');
@define('CONTENT', 'Innhold');
@define('TYPE', 'Type');
@define('DRAFT', 'Utkast');
@define('PUBLISH', 'Publiser');
@define('PREVIEW', 'Vis');
@define('DATE', 'Dato');
@define('DATE_FORMAT_2', 'Y-m-d H:i'); // Needs to be ISO 8601 compliant for date conversion!
@define('DATE_INVALID', 'Advarsel: Den datoen du tastet inn var ugyldig. Den skal tastes inn i f?lgende format: ????-MM-DD TT:MM.');
@define('CATEGORY_PLUGIN_DESC', 'Viser listen over kategorier.');
@define('ALL_AUTHORS', 'Alle forfattere');
@define('CATEGORIES_TO_FETCH', 'Kategorier som skal hentes');
@define('CATEGORIES_TO_FETCH_DESC', 'Hent kategorier fra en bestemt forfatter?');
@define('PAGE_BROWSE_ENTRIES', 'Side %s av %s, i alt %s artikler');
@define('PREVIOUS_PAGE', 'forrige side');
@define('NEXT_PAGE', 'neste side');
@define('ALL_CATEGORIES', 'Alle kategorier');
@define('DO_MARKUP', 'Utf?rt Markup-transformasjon');
@define('GENERAL_PLUGIN_DATEFORMAT', 'Datoformat');
@define('GENERAL_PLUGIN_DATEFORMAT_BLAHBLAH', 'Formatet p? artiklens faktiske dato, brug PHPs strftime()-variabler. (Standard: "%s")');
@define('ERROR_TEMPLATE_FILE', 'Kunne ikke ?pne malen, oppater Serendipity!');
@define('ADVANCED_OPTIONS', 'Avanserte innstillinger');
@define('EDIT_ENTRY', 'Rediger artikkel');
@define('HTACCESS_ERROR', 'For ? kunne sjekke din lokale webservers installasjon, m? Serendipity v?re i stand til ? skrive til filen ".htaccess". Dette var ikke mulig pga. feil rettigheter. Endre rettighetene slik: <br />&nbsp;&nbsp;%s<br />og oppdater denne siden.');
@define('SORT_ORDER', 'Sorter etter');
@define('SORT_ORDER_NAME', 'Filnavn');
@define('SORT_ORDER_EXTENSION', 'Filtype');
@define('SORT_ORDER_SIZE', 'Filst?rrelse');
@define('SORT_ORDER_WIDTH', 'Bildebredde');
@define('SORT_ORDER_HEIGHT', 'Bildeh?yde');
@define('SORT_ORDER_DATE', 'Upload-dato');
@define('SORT_ORDER_ASC', 'Stigende');
@define('SORT_ORDER_DESC', 'Fallende');
@define('THUMBNAIL_SHORT', 'Mini');
@define('ORIGINAL_SHORT', 'Orig.');
@define('APPLY_MARKUP_TO', 'Formater %s');
@define('CALENDAR_BEGINNING_OF_WEEK', 'Starten p? uken');
@define('SERENDIPITY_NEEDS_UPGRADE', 'Serendipity har opdaget at din n?v?rende konfigurasjon passer til versjon %s. Serendipity selv er installert som version %s, Det er n?dvendig ? oppgradere! <a href="%s">Klikk her!</a>');
@define('SERENDIPITY_UPGRADER_WELCOME', 'Velkommen til Serendipitys oppgraderingsscript.');
@define('SERENDIPITY_UPGRADER_PURPOSE', 'Scriptet vil hjelpe deg med ? oppgradere Serendipity %s.');
@define('SERENDIPITY_UPGRADER_WHY', 'Denne meldingen vises fordi Serendipity versjon %s er installert, men databasen er enn? ikke opgradert til denne versjonen.');
@define('SERENDIPITY_UPGRADER_DATABASE_UPDATES', 'Databasen oppdateringer (%s)');
@define('SERENDIPITY_UPGRADER_FOUND_SQL_FILES', 'F?lgende .sql-filer m? kj?res f?r Serendipity igjen kan fungere normalt.');
@define('SERENDIPITY_UPGRADER_VERSION_SPECIFIC',  'Versjonsspesifikke oppgaver');
@define('SERENDIPITY_UPGRADER_NO_VERSION_SPECIFIC', 'Ingen versjonsspesifikke oppgaver funnet');
@define('SERENDIPITY_UPGRADER_PROCEED_QUESTION', '?nsker du at ovenst?ende opgaver utf?res?');
@define('SERENDIPITY_UPGRADER_PROCEED_ABORT', 'Nei, jeg utf?rer dem manuelt');
@define('SERENDIPITY_UPGRADER_NO_UPGRADES', 'Det ser ut til at oppgradering ikke er n?dvendig.');
@define('SERENDIPITY_UPGRADER_CONSIDER_DONE', 'Serendipity er oppgradert');
@define('SERENDIPITY_UPGRADER_YOU_HAVE_IGNORED', 'Du har ignorert en del av oppgraderingen. Vennligst unders?k hvorvidt databasen er korrekt opdatert, og planlagte opgaver utf?rt');
@define('SERENDIPITY_UPGRADER_NOW_UPGRADED', 'Din Serendipity-installation er n? oppgradert til version %s');
@define('SERENDIPITY_UPGRADER_RETURN_HERE', 'Du kan vende tilbake til din blog ved ? klikke %sher%s');
@define('MANAGE_USERS', 'H?ndter brukere');
@define('CREATE_NEW_USER', 'Opprett ny bruker');
@define('CREATE_NOT_AUTHORIZED', 'Du kan ikke redigere brukere med det samme brukerniv? som deg selv');
@define('CREATE_NOT_AUTHORIZED_USERLEVEL', 'Du kan ikke opprette brukere med et h?yere brukerniv? enn deg selv');
@define('CREATED_USER', 'En ny bruker %s er opprettet');
@define('MODIFIED_USER', 'Egenskapene for brukeren %s er endret');
@define('USER_LEVEL', 'brukerniv?');
@define('DELETE_USER', 'Du er i ferd med ? slette bruker #%d %s. Er du sikker? Dette vil forhindre visning av alle artikler skrevet av brukeren.');
@define('DELETED_USER', 'Bruker #%d %s er slettet.');
@define('LIMIT_TO_NUMBER', 'Hvor mange punkter skal vises?');
@define('ENTRIES_PER_PAGE', 'artikler per side');

@define('PERMISSIONS', 'Rettigheter');
@define('INTEGRITY', 'Verify Installation Integrity');
@define('CHECKSUMS_NOT_FOUND', 'Unable to compare checksums! (No checksums.inc.php in main directory)');
@define('CHECKSUMS_PASS', 'All required files verified.');
@define('CHECKSUM_FAILED', '%s corrupt or modified: failed verification');

@define('INSTALL_CAT_DB', 'Databaseinnstillinger');
@define('INSTALL_CAT_DB_DESC', 'Her kan du taste inn all databaseinformasjon');
@define('INSTALL_DBTYPE', 'Databasetype');
@define('INSTALL_DBTYPE_DESC', 'Databasetype');
@define('INSTALL_DBHOST', 'Databaseserver');
@define('INSTALL_DBHOST_DESC', 'Hostname til din databaseserver');
@define('INSTALL_DBUSER', 'Databasebrukernavn');
@define('INSTALL_DBUSER_DESC', 'Brukernavnet som er brukt til ? koble til databasen din');
@define('INSTALL_DBPASS', 'Databasepassord');
@define('INSTALL_DBPASS_DESC', 'Passordet som passer til brukernavnet over');
@define('INSTALL_DBNAME', 'Databasenavn');
@define('INSTALL_DBNAME_DESC', 'Navnet p? din database');
@define('INSTALL_DBPREFIX', 'Databasetabell-prefiks');
@define('INSTALL_DBPREFIX_DESC', 'Prefiks p? tabellnavn, f.eks. serendipity_');

/* PATHS */
@define('INSTALL_CAT_PATHS', 'Baner');
@define('INSTALL_CAT_PATHS_DESC', 'Forskjellige baner til forskjellige essensielle mapper og filer. Glem ikke etterf?lgende slasher p? biblioteker!');
@define('INSTALL_FULLPATH', 'Full bane');
@define('INSTALL_FULLPATH_DESC', 'Den fulle og absolutte bane til din serendipity-installasjon');
@define('INSTALL_UPLOADPATH', 'Upload-bane');
@define('INSTALL_UPLOADPATH_DESC', 'Alle uploads blir plassert her, relativ til \'Full bane\' - typisk \'uploads/\'');
@define('INSTALL_RELPATH', 'Relativ bane');
@define('INSTALL_RELPATH_DESC', 'Bane til Serendipity i henhold til din browser, typisk \'/serendipity/\'');
@define('INSTALL_RELTEMPLPATH', 'Relativ mal-bane');
@define('INSTALL_RELTEMPLPATH_DESC', 'Bane til mappen som inneholder dine maler - Relativ til \'relative bane\'');
@define('INSTALL_RELUPLOADPATH', 'Relativ upload-bane');
@define('INSTALL_RELUPLOADPATH_DESC', 'Bane til dine uploads i henhold til din browser - Relativ til \'relative bane\'');
@define('INSTALL_URL', 'URL til din blogg');
@define('INSTALL_URL_DESC', 'Base-URL for din Serendipity-installasjon');
@define('INSTALL_INDEXFILE', 'Index-fil');
@define('INSTALL_INDEXFILE_DESC', 'Navnet p? din Serendipity index-fil');

/* Generel settings */
@define('INSTALL_CAT_SETTINGS', 'Generelle innstillinger');
@define('INSTALL_CAT_SETTINGS_DESC', 'Tilpass m?ten Serendipity oppf?rer seg p?');
@define('INSTALL_USERNAME', 'Admin-brukernavn');
@define('INSTALL_USERNAME_DESC', 'Brukernavn til admin-login');
@define('INSTALL_PASSWORD', 'Admin-passord');
@define('INSTALL_PASSWORD_DESC', 'Passord til admin-login');
@define('INSTALL_EMAIL', 'Admin-email');
@define('INSTALL_EMAIL_DESC', 'E-mailadresse til eieren av bloggen');
@define('INSTALL_SENDMAIL', 'Send e-mailer til admin?');
@define('INSTALL_SENDMAIL_DESC', 'Vil du motta email n?r kommentare blir gitt til dine artikler?');
@define('INSTALL_SUBSCRIBE', 'Tillat brukere ? abonnere p? artikler?');
@define('INSTALL_SUBSCRIBE_DESC', 'Tillat brukere ? abonnere p? en artikkel og dermed motte en mail n?r det oprettes nye kommentare p? den artikkelen');
@define('INSTALL_BLOGNAME', 'Navn p? blogg');
@define('INSTALL_BLOGNAME_DESC', 'Tittelen p? din blogg');
@define('INSTALL_BLOGDESC', 'Blogg-beskrivelse');
@define('INSTALL_BLOGDESC_DESC', 'Beskrivelse av din blogg');
@define('INSTALL_LANG', 'Spr?k');
@define('INSTALL_LANG_DESC', 'Velg spr?ket p? din blogg');

/* Appearance and options */
@define('INSTALL_CAT_DISPLAY', 'Utseende og innstillinger');
@define('INSTALL_CAT_DISPLAY_DESC', 'Tilpass hvordan Serendipity ser ut og f?les');
@define('INSTALL_WYSIWYG', 'Bruk WYSIWYG-editor');
@define('INSTALL_WYSIWYG_DESC', 'Vil du benytte WYSIWYG-editoren? (Virker med IE5+, delvis i Mozilla 1.3+)');
@define('INSTALL_XHTML11', 'Tving gjennom XHTML 1.1');
@define('INSTALL_XHTML11_DESC', '?nsker du ? kreve overholdelse av XHTML 1.1 (kan skape problemer i 4.-generasjonsbrowsere)');
@define('INSTALL_POPUP', 'Aktiver bruk av popup-vinduer');
@define('INSTALL_POPUP_DESC', 'Vil du ?pne kommentarer og trackbacks i et popupvindu?');
@define('INSTALL_EMBED', 'Er Serendipity embedded?');
@define('INSTALL_EMBED_DESC', 'Hvis du ?nsker ? kapsle Serendipity inn i en normal side, aktiver da dette direktivet for ? ignorere headere og kun skrive ut innholdet. Du kan benytte indexFile-direktivet til ? lage en wrapper-fil hvor du plasserer din normale hjemmesides headere. Konsulter README filen for mer informasjon!');
@define('INSTALL_TOP_AS_LINKS', 'Vis topp utgangssider/referanser som links?');
@define('INSTALL_TOP_AS_LINKS_DESC', '"no": Utgangssider og referanser blir vist som ren tekst for ? forhindre Google-spam.  "yes": Utgangssider og referanser blir vist som hyperlinker.  "default": Bruk innstillinger fra global konfigurasjon (anbefalt).');
@define('INSTALL_BLOCKREF', 'Blokk?r referanser');
@define('INSTALL_BLOCKREF_DESC', 'Er det noen spesielle hosts du ikke ?nsker skal vises i referanselisten?  Seprarer listen av hostnavn med \';\' og merk deg at disse er blokkert med substring-masker!');
@define('INSTALL_REWRITE', 'URL-omskrivning');
@define('INSTALL_REWRITE_DESC', 'Velg hvilken regel du ?nsker ? bruke n?r du genererer URL-er. Aktivering av omskrivningsregler vil gj?re URL-ene dine flotte og gj?re din side mer egnet for indeksering av roboter som google. Webserveren m? enten st?tte mod_rewrite eller "AllowOverride All" for ditt Serendipity-bibliotek. Standardindstillingen er automatisk beregnet');

/* Imageconversion Settings */
@define('INSTALL_CAT_IMAGECONV', 'Bildekonverterings-innstillinger');
@define('INSTALL_CAT_IMAGECONV_DESC', 'Generell informasjon om hvordan Serendipity skal h?ndtere bilder');
@define('INSTALL_IMAGEMAGICK', 'Bruk Imagemagick');
@define('INSTALL_IMAGEMAGICK_DESC', 'Har du ImageMagick installert og ?nsker ? bruke det til ? endre st?rrelse p? bilder?');
@define('INSTALL_IMAGEMAGICKPATH', 'Bane til convert bin?rfil');
@define('INSTALL_IMAGEMAGICKPATH_DESC', 'Full bane og navn p? din ImageMagick convert bin?rfil');
@define('INSTALL_THUMBSUFFIX', 'Thumbnail-suffiks');
@define('INSTALL_THUMBSUFFIX_DESC', 'Thumbnails vil bli gitt navn etter f?lgende m?nster: original.[suffix].ext');
@define('INSTALL_THUMBWIDTH', 'Thumbnail-dimensjoner');
@define('INSTALL_THUMBWIDTH_DESC', 'Statisk maksimalbredde p? en auto-genereret thumbnail');
@define('INSTALL_THUMBDIM', 'Thumbnail constrained dimension');
@define('INSTALL_THUMBDIM_LARGEST', 'Largest');
@define('INSTALL_THUMBDIM_WIDTH', 'Width');
@define('INSTALL_THUMBDIM_HEIGHT', 'Height');
@define('INSTALL_THUMBDIM_DESC', 'Dimension to be constrained to the thumbnail max size. The default "' . 
    INSTALL_THUMBDIM_LARGEST .  '" limits both dimensions, so neither can be greater than the max size; "' . 
    '" only limit the chosen dimension, so the other could be larger than the max size.');

/* Personal details */
@define('USERCONF_CAT_PERSONAL', 'Dine personlige detaljer');
@define('USERCONF_CAT_PERSONAL_DESC', 'Endre dine personlige detaljer');
@define('USERCONF_USERNAME', 'Ditt brukernavn');
@define('USERCONF_USERNAME_DESC', 'Brukernavnet du vil bruke for ? logge inn i bloggen');
@define('USERCONF_PASSWORD', 'Ditt passord');
@define('USERCONF_PASSWORD_DESC', 'Passordet du vil bruke for ? logge inn i bloggen');
@define('USERCONF_EMAIL', 'Din e-mailadresse');
@define('USERCONF_EMAIL_DESC', 'Din personlige e-mailadresse');
@define('USERCONF_SENDCOMMENTS', 'Send beskjeder om nye kommentarer?');
@define('USERCONF_SENDCOMMENTS_DESC', '?nsker du ? motta en mail n?r nye kommentarer blir lagt til dine artikler?');
@define('USERCONF_SENDTRACKBACKS', 'Send bjeskeder om nye trackbacks?');
@define('USERCONF_SENDTRACKBACKS_DESC', '?nsker du ? motta en mail n?r nye trackbacks blir lagt til dine artikler?');
@define('USERCONF_ALLOWPUBLISH', 'Tillatelse: Publisere artikler?');
@define('USERCONF_ALLOWPUBLISH_DESC', 'Kan denne brukeren publisere artikler?');

@define('DIRECTORIES_AVAILABLE', 'I listen over tilgjengelige undermapper, kan du klikke p? en ny mappe for ? oprette en ny mappe innenfor den stukturen.');
@define('ALL_DIRECTORIES', 'alle mapper');
@define('MANAGE_DIRECTORIES', 'H?ndter mapper');
@define('DIRECTORY_CREATED', 'Mappen <strong>%s</strong> er oprettet.');
@define('PARENT_DIRECTORY', 'Hovedmappe');
@define('CONFIRM_DELETE_DIRECTORY', 'Er du sikker p? du vil slette alt innholdet i mappen %s?');
@define('ERROR_NO_DIRECTORY', 'Feil: Mappen %s eksisterer ikke');
@define('CHECKING_DIRECTORY', 'Sjekker filer i mappen %s');
@define('DELETING_FILE', 'Sletter fil %s...');
@define('ERROR_DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY', 'Kunne ikke fjerne en ikke-tom mappe. Afkryss "tving gjennom sletting"-feltet hvis du vil slette disse og trykk deretter p? Submit igjen. Eksisterende filer er:');
@define('DIRECTORY_DELETE_FAILED', 'Sletting av mappe %s mislyktes. Sjekk rettigheter eller ovenst?ende beskjeder.');
@define('DIRECTORY_DELETE_SUCCESS', 'Mappen %s er slettet.');
@define('SKIPPING_FILE_EXTENSION', 'Ignorerte filen: Manglende filtype %s.');
@define('SKIPPING_FILE_UNREADABLE', 'Ignorerte fil: %s er ikke lesbar.');
@define('FOUND_FILE', 'Fant ny/endret fil: %s.');
@define('ALREADY_SUBCATEGORY', '%s er allerede en underkategori av %s.');
@define('PARENT_CATEGORY', 'Hovedkategori');
@define('IN_REPLY_TO', 'Som svar p?');
@define('TOP_LEVEL', 'Topniv?');
@define('XML_IMAGE_TO_DISPLAY', 'XML-knapp');
@define('XML_IMAGE_TO_DISPLAY_DESC','Linker til XML-feeder vil bli vist med dette bildet.  Etterlat tomt for standard, tast inn \'none\' for ? deaktivere.');
@define('SUCCESS', 'Suksess');
@define('POWERED_BY_SHOW_TEXT', 'Vis "Serendipity" som tekst');
@define('POWERED_BY_SHOW_TEXT_DESC', 'Vil vise "Serendipity Weblog" som tekst');
@define('POWERED_BY_SHOW_IMAGE', 'Vis "Serendipity" med en logo');
@define('POWERED_BY_SHOW_IMAGE_DESC', 'Vis Serendipity-logoen');
@define('SETTINGS_SAVED_AT', 'De nye innstillgene er lagret kl %s');
@define('PLUGIN_ITEM_DISPLAY', 'Hvor skal enheten vises?');
@define('PLUGIN_ITEM_DISPLAY_EXTENDED', 'Kun udvidet artikkel');
@define('PLUGIN_ITEM_DISPLAY_OVERVIEW', 'Kun i oversikten');
@define('PLUGIN_ITEM_DISPLAY_BOTH', 'Hele tiden');
@define('RSS_IMPORT_CATEGORY', 'Bruk denne kategorien for kategoril?se artikler');
@define('ERROR_UNKNOWN_NOUPLOAD', 'Det oppstod en ukjent feil, filen ble ikke lastet opp. Kanskje er din filst?rrelse st?rre end den maksimale st?rrelse tillatt av ditt serveroppsett. Sp?r din webtilbyder eller rediger din php.ini fil for ? tillate uploads av st?rre filer.');
@define('COMMENTS_WILL_BE_MODERATED', 'Kommentarer p? denne artikkelen vil f?rst bli vist n?r de er blitt godkjendt.');
@define('YOU_HAVE_THESE_OPTIONS', 'Du har f?lgende muligheter:');
@define('THIS_COMMENT_NEEDS_REVIEW', 'Advarsel: Denne kommentaren krever godkjennelse f?r den blir vist');
@define('DELETE_COMMENT', 'Slett kommentar');
@define('APPROVE_COMMENT', 'Godkjenn kommentar');
@define('REQUIRES_REVIEW', 'Krever godkjennelse');
@define('COMMENT_APPROVED', 'Kommentar #%s er godkjent');
@define('COMMENT_DELETED', 'Kommentar #%s er slettet');
@define('VIEW', 'Vis');
@define('COMMENT_ALREADY_APPROVED', 'Kommentar #%s ser allerede ut til ? v?re godkjent');
@define('COMMENT_EDITED', 'Den valgte kommentar er redigert');
@define('HIDE', 'Skjul');
@define('VIEW_EXTENDED_ENTRY', 'Les resten av "%s"');
@define('TRACKBACK_SPECIFIC_ON_CLICK', 'Det er ikke meningen at denne linken skal klikkes.  Den innholder trackback-URI-en for denne postingen.  Du kan bruke denne URI-en til ? sende ping- og trackbacks fra din egen blog til denne posten.  For ? kopiere linken, h?yreklikk og velg "Kopier snarvei" i Internet Explorer eller "Copy Link Location" i Mozilla.');
@define('THIS_TRACKBACK_NEEDS_REVIEW', 'Advarsel:  Denne trackbacken trenger godkjennelse f?r den blir vist.');
@define('DELETE_TRACKBACK', 'Slett trackback');
@define('APPROVE_TRACKBACK', 'Godkjenn trackback');
@define('TRACKBACK_APPROVED', 'Trackback #%s har blitt godkjent');
@define('TRACKBACK_DELETED', 'Trackback #%s har blitt slettet');
@define('COMMENTS_MODERATE', 'Kommentarer og trackback til denne posten krever moderasjon.');
@define('PLUGIN_SUPERUSER_HTTPS', 'Bruk https ved innlogging');
@define('PLUGIN_SUPERUSER_HTTPS_DESC', 'Peker login-linken til en https-adresse. Webserveren din m? st?tte dette!');
@define('INSTALL_SHOW_EXTERNAL_LINKS', 'Gj?re eksterne lenker klikkbare?');
@define('INSTALL_SHOW_EXTERNAL_LINKS_DESC', '"no": Usjekkede eksterne lenker (topp utgangssider, referanser, brukerkommentarer) er ikke vist - vist som ren tekst hvor mulig, for ? forhindre Google-spam (anbefalt).  "yes":  Usjekkede eksterne lenker blir vist som hyperlenker.  Kan bli overstyrt i sidebar plugin-konfigurasjon!');
@define('PAGE_BROWSE_COMMENTS', 'Side %s av %s, totalt %s kommentarer');
@define('FILTERS', 'Filtere');
@define('FIND_ENTRIES', 'Finn poster');
@define('FIND_COMMENTS', 'Finn kommentarer');
@define('FIND_MEDIA', 'Finn media');
@define('FILTER_DIRECTORY', 'Katalog');
@define('SORT_BY', 'Sorter p?');
@define('TRACKBACK_COULD_NOT_CONNECT', 'Ingen Trackback sendt:  Kunne ikke ?pne tilkobling til %s p? port %d');
@define('MEDIA', 'Media');
@define('MEDIA_LIBRARY', 'Media-bibliotek');
@define('ADD_MEDIA', 'Legg til media');
@define('ENTER_MEDIA_URL', 'Oppgi en URL til en fil som skal hentes:');
@define('ENTER_MEDIA_UPLOAD', 'Velg en fil du ?nsker ? laste opp:');
@define('SAVE_FILE_AS', 'Lagre filen som:');
@define('STORE_IN_DIRECTORY', 'Lagre i f?lgende katalog: ');
@define('MEDIA_RENAME', 'Gi denne filen nytt navn');
@define('IMAGE_RESIZE', 'Endre st?rrelsen p? dette bildet');
@define('MEDIA_DELETE', 'Slett denne filen');
@define('FILES_PER_PAGE', 'Antall filer per side');
@define('CLICK_FILE_TO_INSERT', 'Klikk p? filen du ?nsker ? sette inn:');
@define('SELECT_FILE', 'Velg fil ? sette inn');
@define('MEDIA_FULLSIZE', 'Full st?rrelse');
@define('CALENDAR_BOW_DESC', 'Ukedagen som skal v?re starten p? uken.  Standard er mandag');
@define('SUPERUSER', 'Blogg-administrasjon');
@define('ALLOWS_YOU_BLAHBLAH', 'Legger en link til blogg-administrasjonen i sidebaren.');

@define('CALENDAR', 'Kalender');
@define('SUPERUSER_OPEN_ADMIN', '?pne administrasjon');
@define('SUPERUSER_OPEN_LOGIN', '?pne login-skjerm');
@define('INVERT_SELECTIONS', 'Inverter valgene');
@define('COMMENTS_DELETE_CONFIRM', 'Er du sikker p? at du ?nsker ? slette de valgte kommentarene?');
@define('COMMENT_DELETE_CONFIRM', 'Er du sikker p? at du ?nsker ? slette kommentar #%d, skrevet av %s?');
@define('DELETE_SELECTED_COMMENTS', 'Slett valgte kommentarer');
@define('VIEW_COMMENT', 'Se kommentar');
@define('VIEW_ENTRY', 'Se posting');
@define('DELETE_FILE', 'Slettet filen kalt <b>%s</b>');
@define('ABOUT_TO_DELETE_FILE', 'Du er i ferd med ? slette <b>%s</b><br />Hvis du bruker denne filen i noen av postene dine vil dette for?rsake d?de lenker eller bilder<br />Er du sikker p? at du vil g? videre?<br /><br />');
@define('TRACKBACK_SENDING', 'Sender trackback til URI %s...');
@define('TRACKBACK_SENT', 'Trackback suksess');
@define('TRACKBACK_FAILED', 'Trackback slo feil: %s');
@define('TRACKBACK_NOT_FOUND', 'Fant ingen trackback-URI.');
@define('TRACKBACK_URI_MISMATCH', 'Den autofunnede trackback-URI-en stemmer ikke overens med v?r m?l-URI.');
@define('TRACKBACK_CHECKING', 'Sjekker <u>%s</u> for mulige trackbacks...');
@define('TRACKBACK_NO_DATA', 'M?l inneholdt ingen data');
@define('TRACKBACK_SIZE', 'M?l-URI oversteg maksimum filst?rrelse p? %s bytes.');
@define('VIEWMODE_THREADED', 'Bytt til tr?det visning');
@define('COMMENTS_VIEWMODE_LINEAR', 'Line?r');
@define('DISPLAY_COMMENTS_AS', 'Vis kommentarer som');
@define('SIDEBAR_PLUGINS', 'Sidebar-plugins');
@define('EVENT_PLUGINS', 'Hendelses-lugins');
@define('ADD_MEDIA_BLAHBLAH', '<b>Legg til en fil til ditt mediabibliotek:</b><p>Her kan du laste opp mediafiler, eller be meg om ? hente dem fra en adresse p? nettet!  Hvis du ikke har et passende bilde, <a href="https://images.google.com/" target="_blank">s?k etter bilder p? Google</a> som passer til tankene dine.  Resultatene er ofte nyttige og morsomme :)</p><p><b>Velg metode:</b></p><br/>');
@define('COMMENTS_FILTER_SHOW', 'Vis');
@define('COMMENTS_FILTER_ALL', 'Alle');
@define('COMMENTS_FILTER_APPROVED_ONLY', 'Only approved'); // Translate
@define('COMMENTS_FILTER_NEED_APPROVAL', 'Pending approval'); // Translate
@define('RSS_IMPORT_BODYONLY', 'Put all imported text in the "body" section and do not split up into "extended entry" section.'); // Translate
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_FULLFEED', 'Show full articles with extended body inside RSS feed'); // Translate
@define('MT_DATA_FILE', 'Movable Type data file'); // Translate
@define('FORCE', 'Force'); // Translate
@define('CREATE_AUTHOR', 'Create author \'%s\'.'); // Translate
@define('CREATE_CATEGORY', 'Create category \'%s\'.'); // Translate
@define('MYSQL_REQUIRED', 'You must have the MySQL extension in order to perform this action.'); // Translate
@define('COULDNT_CONNECT', 'Could not connect to MySQL database: %s.'); // Translate
@define('COULDNT_SELECT_DB', 'Could not select database: %s.'); // Translate
@define('COULDNT_SELECT_USER_INFO', 'Could not select user information: %s.'); // Translate
@define('COULDNT_SELECT_CATEGORY_INFO', 'Could not select category information: %s.'); // Translate
@define('COULDNT_SELECT_ENTRY_INFO', 'Could not select entry information: %s.'); // Translate
@define('COULDNT_SELECT_COMMENT_INFO', 'Could not select comment information: %s.'); // Translate
@define('WEEK', 'Uke');
@define('WEEKS', 'Uker');
@define('MONTHS', 'M?neder');
@define('DAYS', 'Dager');
@define('ARCHIVE_FREQUENCY', 'Calendar item frequency'); // Translate
@define('ARCHIVE_FREQUENCY_DESC', 'The calendar interval to use between each item in the list'); // Translate
@define('ARCHIVE_COUNT', 'Number of items in the list'); // Translate
@define('ARCHIVE_COUNT_DESC', 'The total number of months, weeks or days to display'); // Translate
@define('BELOW_IS_A_LIST_OF_INSTALLED_PLUGINS', 'Below is a list of installed plugins'); // Translate
@define('SIDEBAR_PLUGIN', 'sidebar plugin'); // Translate
@define('EVENT_PLUGIN', 'event plugin'); // Translate
@define('CLICK_HERE_TO_INSTALL_PLUGIN', 'Click here to install a new %s'); // Translate
@define('VERSION', 'versjon');
@define('INSTALL', 'Installer');
@define('ALREADY_INSTALLED', 'Allerede installert');
@define('SELECT_A_PLUGIN_TO_ADD', 'Select the plugin which you wish to install'); // Translate
@define('INSTALL_OFFSET', 'Server time Offset'); // Translate
@define('STICKY_POSTINGS', 'Faste oppslag');
@define('INSTALL_FETCHLIMIT', 'Entries to display on frontpage'); // Translate
@define('INSTALL_FETCHLIMIT_DESC', 'Number of entries to display for each page on the frontend'); // Translate
@define('IMPORT_ENTRIES', 'Import data'); // Translate
@define('EXPORT_ENTRIES', 'Export entries'); // Translate
@define('IMPORT_WELCOME', 'Welcome to the Serendipity import utility'); // Translate
@define('IMPORT_WHAT_CAN', 'Here you can import entries from other weblog software applications'); // Translate
@define('IMPORT_SELECT', 'Please select the software you wish to import from'); // Translate
@define('IMPORT_PLEASE_ENTER', 'Please enter the data as requested below'); // Translate
@define('IMPORT_NOW', 'Import now!'); // Translate
@define('IMPORT_STARTING', 'Starting import procedure...'); // Translate
@define('IMPORT_FAILED', 'Import failed'); // Translate
@define('IMPORT_DONE', 'Import successfully completed'); // Translate
@define('IMPORT_WEBLOG_APP', 'Weblog application'); // Translate
@define('EXPORT_FEED', 'Export full RSS feed'); // Translate
@define('STATUS', 'Status after import'); // Translate
@define('IMPORT_GENERIC_RSS', 'Generic RSS import'); // Translate
@define('ACTIVATE_AUTODISCOVERY', 'Send Trackbacks to links found in the entry'); // Translate
@define('WELCOME_TO_ADMIN', 'Welcome to the Serendipity Administration Suite.'); // Translate
@define('PLEASE_ENTER_CREDENTIALS', 'Please enter your credentials below.'); // Translate
@define('ADMIN_FOOTER_POWERED_BY', 'Powered by Serendipity %s and PHP %s'); // Translate
@define('INSTALL_USEGZIP', 'Use gzip compressed pages'); // Translate
@define('INSTALL_USEGZIP_DESC', 'To speed up delivery of pages, we can compress the pages we send to the visitor, given that his browser supports this. This is recommended'); // Translate
@define('INSTALL_SHOWFUTURE', 'Show future entries'); // Translate
@define('INSTALL_SHOWFUTURE_DESC', 'If enabled, this will show all entries in the future on your blog. Default is to hide those entries and only show them if the publish date has arrived.'); // Translate
@define('INSTALL_DBPERSISTENT', 'Use persistent connections'); // Translate
@define('INSTALL_DBPERSISTENT_DESC', 'Enable the usage of persistent database connections, read more <a href="https://php.net/manual/features.persistent-connections.php" target="_blank">here</a>. This is normally not recommended'); // Translate
@define('NO_IMAGES_FOUND', 'Ingen bilder funnet');
@define('PERSONAL_SETTINGS', 'Personal Settings'); // Translate
@define('REFERER', 'Referer'); // Translate
@define('NOT_FOUND', 'Not found'); // Translate
@define('NOT_WRITABLE', 'Not writable'); // Translate
@define('WRITABLE', 'Writable'); // Translate
@define('PROBLEM_DIAGNOSTIC', 'Due to a problematic diagnostic, you cannot continue with the installation before the above errors are fixed'); // Translate
@define('SELECT_INSTALLATION_TYPE', 'Select which installation type you wish to use'); // Translate
@define('WELCOME_TO_INSTALLATION', 'Welcome to the Serendipity Installation'); // Translate
@define('FIRST_WE_TAKE_A_LOOK', 'First we will take a look at your current setup and attempt to diagnose any compatibility problems'); // Translate
@define('ERRORS_ARE_DISPLAYED_IN', 'Errors are displayed in %s, recommendations in %s and success in %s'); // Translate
@define('RED', 'r?d');
@define('YELLOW', 'gul');
@define('GREEN', 'green'); // Translate
@define('PRE_INSTALLATION_REPORT', 'Serendipity v%s pre-installation report'); // Translate
@define('RECOMMENDED', 'Recommended'); // Translate
@define('ACTUAL', 'Actual'); // Translate
@define('PHPINI_CONFIGURATION', 'php.ini configuration'); // Translate
@define('PHP_INSTALLATION', 'PHP installation'); // Translate
@define('THEY_DO', 'they do'); // Translate
@define('THEY_DONT', 'they don\'t'); // Translate
@define('SIMPLE_INSTALLATION', 'Simple installation'); // Translate
@define('EXPERT_INSTALLATION', 'Expert installation'); // Translate
@define('COMPLETE_INSTALLATION', 'Complete installation'); // Translate
@define('WONT_INSTALL_DB_AGAIN', 'won\'t install the database again'); // Translate
@define('CHECK_DATABASE_EXISTS', 'Checking to see if the database and tables already exists'); // Translate
@define('CREATING_PRIMARY_AUTHOR', 'Creating primary author \'%s\''); // Translate
@define('SETTING_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE', 'Setting default template'); // Translate
@define('INSTALLING_DEFAULT_PLUGINS', 'Installing default plugins'); // Translate
@define('SERENDIPITY_INSTALLED', 'Serendipity has been successfully installed'); // Translate
@define('VISIT_BLOG_HERE', 'Visit your new blog here'); // Translate
@define('THANK_YOU_FOR_CHOOSING', 'Thank you for choosing Serendipity'); // Translate
@define('ERROR_DETECTED_IN_INSTALL', 'An error was detected in the installation'); // Translate
@define('OPERATING_SYSTEM', 'Operating system'); // Translate
@define('WEBSERVER_SAPI', 'Webserver SAPI'); // Translate
@define('IMAGE_ROTATE_LEFT', 'Rotate image 90 degrees counter-clockwise'); // Translate
@define('IMAGE_ROTATE_RIGHT', 'Rotate image 90 degrees clockwise'); // Translate
@define('TEMPLATE_SET', '\'%s\' has been set as your active template'); // Translate
@define('SEARCH_ERROR', 'The search function did not work as expected. Notice for the administrator of this blog: This may happen because of missing index keys in your database. On MySQL systems your database user account needs to be privileged to execute this query: <pre>CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX entry_idx on %sentries (title,body,extended)</pre> The specific error returned by the database was: <pre>%s</pre>'); // Translate
@define('EDIT_THIS_CAT', 'Editing "%s"'); // Translate
@define('CATEGORY_REMAINING', 'Delete this category and move its entries to this category'); // Translate
@define('CATEGORY_INDEX', 'Below is a list of categories available to your entries'); // Translate
@define('NO_CATEGORIES', 'No categories'); // Translate
@define('RESET_DATE', 'Reset date'); // Translate
@define('RESET_DATE_DESC', 'Click here to reset the date to the current time'); // Translate
@define('PROBLEM_PERMISSIONS_HOWTO', 'Permissions can be set by running shell command: `<em>%s</em>` on the failed directory, or by setting this using an FTP program'); // Translate
@define('WARNING_TEMPLATE_DEPRECATED', 'Warning: Your current template is using a deprecated template method, you are advised to update if possible'); // Translate
@define('ENTRY_PUBLISHED_FUTURE', 'This entry is not yet published.'); // Translate
@define('ENTRIES_BY', 'Entries by %s'); // Translate
@define('PREVIOUS', 'Forrige');
@define('NEXT', 'Neste');
@define('APPROVE', 'Godkjenn');
@define('DO_MARKUP_DESCRIPTION', 'Tilf?y markup-transformasjoner p? teksten (smilies, shortcut markups via *, /, _, ...). Hvis du sl?r dette av vil all HTML-kode i teksten bli beholdt.');
@define('CATEGORY_ALREADY_EXIST', 'A category with the name "%s" already exist'); // Translate
@define('IMPORT_NOTES', 'Note:'); // Translate
@define('ERROR_FILE_FORBIDDEN', 'You are not allowed to upload files with active content'); // Translate
@define('ADMIN', 'Administration'); // Re-Translate
@define('ADMIN_FRONTPAGE', 'Frontpage'); // Translate
@define('QUOTE', 'Quote'); // Translate
@define('IFRAME_SAVE', 'Serendipity is now saving your entry, creating trackbacks and performing possible XML-RPC calls. This may take a while..'); // Translate
@define('IFRAME_SAVE_DRAFT', 'A draft of this entry has been saved'); // Translate
@define('IFRAME_PREVIEW', 'Serendipity is now creating the preview of your entry...'); // Translate
@define('IFRAME_WARNING', 'Your browser does not support the concept of iframes. Please open your serendipity_config.inc.php file and set $serendipity[\'use_iframe\'] variable to FALSE.'); // Translate
@define('NONE', 'ingen');
@define('USERCONF_CAT_DEFAULT_NEW_ENTRY', 'Default settings for new entries'); // Translate
@define('UPGRADE', 'Upgrade'); // Translate
@define('UPGRADE_TO_VERSION', 'Upgrade to version %s'); // Translate
@define('DELETE_DIRECTORY', 'Delete directory'); // Translate
@define('DELETE_DIRECTORY_DESC', 'You are about to delete the contents of a directory that contains media files, possibly files used in some of your entries.'); // Translate
@define('FORCE_DELETE', 'Delete ALL files in this directory, including those not known by Serendipity'); // Translate
@define('CREATE_DIRECTORY', 'Create directory'); // Translate
@define('CREATE_NEW_DIRECTORY', 'Create new directory'); // Translate
@define('CREATE_DIRECTORY_DESC', 'Here you can create a new directory to place media files in. Choose the name for your new directory and select an optional parent directory to place it in.'); // Translate
@define('BASE_DIRECTORY', 'Base directory'); // Translate
@define('USERLEVEL_EDITOR_DESC', 'Standard editor'); // Translate
@define('USERLEVEL_CHIEF_DESC', 'Chief editor'); // Translate
@define('USERLEVEL_ADMIN_DESC', 'Administrator'); // Translate
@define('USERCONF_USERLEVEL', 'Access level'); // Translate
@define('USERCONF_USERLEVEL_DESC', 'This level is used to determine what kind of access this user has to the blog'); // Translate
@define('USER_SELF_INFO', 'Logged in as %s (%s)'); // Translate
@define('ADMIN_ENTRIES', 'Entries'); // Translate
@define('RECHECK_INSTALLATION', 'Recheck installation'); // Translate
@define('IMAGICK_EXEC_ERROR', 'Unable to execute: "%s", error: %s, return var: %d'); // Translate
@define('INSTALL_OFFSET_DESC', 'Enter the amount of hours between the date of your webserver (current: %clock%) and your desired time zone'); // Translate
@define('UNMET_REQUIREMENTS', 'Requirements failed: %s'); // Translate
@define('CHARSET', 'Charset');
@define('AUTOLANG', 'Use visitor\'s browser language as default');
@define('AUTOLANG_DESC', 'If enabled, this will use the visitor\'s browser language setting to determine the default language of your entry and interface language.');
@define('INSTALL_AUTODETECT_URL', 'Autodetect used HTTP-Host'); // Translate
@define('INSTALL_AUTODETECT_URL_DESC', 'If set to "true", Serendipity will ensure that the HTTP Host which was used by your visitor is used as your BaseURL setting. Enabling this will let you be able to use multiple domain names for your Serendipity Blog, and use the domain for all follow-up links which the user used to access your blog.'); // Translate
@define('CONVERT_HTMLENTITIES', 'Try to auto-convert HTML entities?');
@define('EMPTY_SETTING', 'You did not specify a valid value for "%s"!');
@define('USERCONF_REALNAME', 'Real name'); // Translate
@define('USERCONF_REALNAME_DESC', 'The full name of the author. This is the name seen by readers'); // Translate
@define('HOTLINK_DONE', 'File hotlinked.<br />Done.'); // Translate
@define('ENTER_MEDIA_URL_METHOD', 'Fetch method:'); // Translate
@define('ADD_MEDIA_BLAHBLAH_NOTE', 'Note: If you choose to hotlink to server, make sure you have permission to hotlink to the designated website, or the website is yours. Hotlink allows you to use off-site images without storing them locally.'); // Translate
@define('MEDIA_HOTLINKED', 'hotlinked'); // Translate
@define('FETCH_METHOD_IMAGE', 'Download image to your server'); // Translate
@define('FETCH_METHOD_HOTLINK', 'Hotlink to server'); // Translate
@define('DELETE_HOTLINK_FILE', 'Deleted the hotlinked file entitled <b>%s</b>'); // Translate
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_SHOW_MAIL', 'Show E-Mail addresses?');
@define('IMAGE_MORE_INPUT', 'Add more images'); // Translate
@define('BACKEND_TITLE', 'Additional information in Plugin Configuration screen'); // Translate
@define('BACKEND_TITLE_FOR_NUGGET', 'Here you can define a custom string which is displayed in the Plugin Configuration screen together with the description of the HTML Nugget plugin. If you have multiple HTML nuggets with an empty title, this helps to distinct the plugins from another.'); // Translate
@define('CATEGORIES_ALLOW_SELECT', 'Allow visitors to display multiple categories at once?'); // Translate
@define('CATEGORIES_ALLOW_SELECT_DESC', 'If this option is enabled, a checkbox will be put next to each category in this sidebar plugin. Users can check those boxes and then see entries belonging to their selection.'); // Translate
@define('PAGE_BROWSE_PLUGINS', 'Page %s of %s, totalling %s plugins.');
@define('INSTALL_CAT_PERMALINKS', 'Permalinks');
@define('INSTALL_CAT_PERMALINKS_DESC', 'Defines various URL patterns to define permanent links in your blog. It is suggested that you use the defaults; if not, you should try to use the %id% value where possible to prevent Serendipity from querying the database to lookup the target URL.');
@define('INSTALL_PERMALINK', 'Permalink Entry URL structure');
@define('INSTALL_PERMALINK_DESC', 'Here you can define the relative URL structure begining from your base URL to where entries may become available. You can use the variables %id%, %title%, %day%, %month%, %year% and any other characters.');
@define('INSTALL_PERMALINK_AUTHOR', 'Permalink Author URL structure');
@define('INSTALL_PERMALINK_AUTHOR_DESC', 'Here you can define the relative URL structure begining from your base URL to where entries from certain authors may become available. You can use the variables %id%, %realname%, %username%, %email% and any other characters.');
@define('INSTALL_PERMALINK_CATEGORY', 'Permalink Category URL structure');
@define('INSTALL_PERMALINK_CATEGORY_DESC', 'Here you can define the relative URL structure begining from your base URL to where entries from certain categories may become available. You can use the variables %id%, %name%, %parentname%, %description% and any other characters.');
@define('INSTALL_PERMALINK_FEEDCATEGORY', 'Permalink RSS-Feed Category URL structure');
@define('INSTALL_PERMALINK_FEEDCATEGORY_DESC', 'Here you can define the relative URL structure begining from your base URL to where RSS-feeds frmo certain categories may become available. You can use the variables %id%, %name%, %description% and any other characters.');
@define('INSTALL_PERMALINK_ARCHIVESPATH', 'Path to archives');
@define('INSTALL_PERMALINK_ARCHIVEPATH', 'Path to archive');
@define('INSTALL_PERMALINK_CATEGORIESPATH', 'Path to categories');
@define('INSTALL_PERMALINK_UNSUBSCRIBEPATH', 'Path to unsubscribe comments');
@define('INSTALL_PERMALINK_DELETEPATH', 'Path to delete comments');
@define('INSTALL_PERMALINK_APPROVEPATH', 'Path to approve comments');
@define('INSTALL_PERMALINK_FEEDSPATH', 'Path to RSS Feeds');
@define('INSTALL_PERMALINK_PLUGINPATH', 'Path to single plugin');
@define('INSTALL_PERMALINK_ADMINPATH', 'Path to admin');
@define('INSTALL_PERMALINK_SEARCHPATH', 'Path to search');
@define('INSTALL_CAL', 'Calendar Type');
@define('INSTALL_CAL_DESC', 'Choose your desired Calendar format');
@define('REPLY', 'Svar');
@define('USERCONF_GROUPS', 'Group Memberships');
@define('USERCONF_GROUPS_DESC', 'This user is a member of the following groups. Multiple memberships are possible.');
@define('MANAGE_GROUPS', 'Manage groups');
@define('DELETED_GROUP', 'Group #%d %s deleted.');
@define('CREATED_GROUP', 'A new group %s has been created');
@define('MODIFIED_GROUP', 'The properties of group %s have been changed');
@define('GROUP', 'Gruppe');
@define('CREATE_NEW_GROUP', 'Create new group');
@define('DELETE_GROUP', 'You are about to delete group #%d %s. Are you serious?');
@define('USERLEVEL_OBSOLETE', 'NOTICE: The userlevel attribute is now only used for backward compatibility to plugins and fallback authorisation. User privileges are now handled by group memberships!');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_FEEDBURNERID_DESC', 'The ID of the feed you wish to publish');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_FEEDBURNERIMG', 'FeedBurner image');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_FEEDBURNERIMG_DESC', 'Name of image to display (or leave blank for counter), located on feedburner.com, ex: fbapix.gif');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_FEEDBURNERTITLE_DESC', 'Title (if any) to display alongside the image');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_FEEDBURNERALT', 'FeedBurner image text');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_FEEDBURNERALT_DESC', 'Text (if any) to display when hovering the image');
@define('SEARCH_TOO_SHORT', 'Your search-query must be longer than 3 characters. You can try to append * to shorter words, like: s9y* to trick the search into using shorter words.');
@define('INSTALL_DBPORT', 'Database port');
@define('INSTALL_DBPORT_DESC', 'The port used to connect to your database server');
@define('PLUGIN_GROUP_FRONTEND_EXTERNAL_SERVICES', 'Frontend: External Services');
@define('PLUGIN_GROUP_FRONTEND_FEATURES', 'Frontend: Features');
@define('PLUGIN_GROUP_FRONTEND_FULL_MODS', 'Frontend: Full Mods');
@define('PLUGIN_GROUP_FRONTEND_VIEWS', 'Frontend: Views');
@define('PLUGIN_GROUP_FRONTEND_ENTRY_RELATED', 'Frontend: Entry Related');
@define('PLUGIN_GROUP_BACKEND_EDITOR', 'Backend: Editor');
@define('PLUGIN_GROUP_BACKEND_USERMANAGEMENT', 'Backend: Usermanagement');
@define('PLUGIN_GROUP_BACKEND_METAINFORMATION', 'Backend: Meta information');
@define('PLUGIN_GROUP_BACKEND_TEMPLATES', 'Backend: Templates');
@define('PLUGIN_GROUP_BACKEND_FEATURES', 'Backend: Features');
@define('PLUGIN_GROUP_IMAGES', 'Images');
@define('PLUGIN_GROUP_ANTISPAM', 'Antispam');
@define('PLUGIN_GROUP_MARKUP', 'Markup');
@define('PLUGIN_GROUP_STATISTICS', 'Statistics');
@define('PERMISSION_PERSONALCONFIGURATION', 'personalConfiguration: Access personal configuration');
@define('PERMISSION_PERSONALCONFIGURATIONUSERLEVEL', 'personalConfigurationUserlevel: Change userlevels');
@define('PERMISSION_PERSONALCONFIGURATIONNOCREATE', 'personalConfigurationNoCreate: Change "forbid creating entries"');
@define('PERMISSION_PERSONALCONFIGURATIONRIGHTPUBLISH', 'personalConfigurationRightPublish: Change right to publish entries');
@define('PERMISSION_SITECONFIGURATION', 'siteConfiguration: Access system configuration');
@define('PERMISSION_BLOGCONFIGURATION', 'blogConfiguration: Access blog-centric configuration');
@define('PERMISSION_ADMINENTRIES', 'adminEntries: Administrate entries');
@define('PERMISSION_ADMINENTRIESMAINTAINOTHERS', 'adminEntriesMaintainOthers: Administrate other user\'s entries');
@define('PERMISSION_ADMINIMPORT', 'adminImport: Import entries');
@define('PERMISSION_ADMINCATEGORIES', 'adminCategories: Administrate categories');
@define('PERMISSION_ADMINCATEGORIESMAINTAINOTHERS', 'adminCategoriesMaintainOthers: Administrate other user\'s categories');
@define('PERMISSION_ADMINCATEGORIESDELETE', 'adminCategoriesDelete: Delete categories');
@define('PERMISSION_ADMINUSERS', 'adminUsers: Administrate users');
@define('PERMISSION_ADMINUSERSDELETE', 'adminUsersDelete: Delete users');
@define('PERMISSION_ADMINUSERSEDITUSERLEVEL', 'adminUsersEditUserlevel: Change userlevel');
@define('PERMISSION_ADMINUSERSMAINTAINSAME', 'adminUsersMaintainSame: Administrate users that are in your group(s)');
@define('PERMISSION_ADMINUSERSMAINTAINOTHERS', 'adminUsersMaintainOthers: Administrate users that are not in your group(s)');
@define('PERMISSION_ADMINUSERSCREATENEW', 'adminUsersCreateNew: Create new users');
@define('PERMISSION_ADMINUSERSGROUPS', 'adminUsersGroups: Administrate usergroups');
@define('PERMISSION_ADMINPLUGINS', 'adminPlugins: Administrate plugins');
@define('PERMISSION_ADMINPLUGINSMAINTAINOTHERS', 'adminPluginsMaintainOthers: Administrate other user\'s plugins');
@define('PERMISSION_ADMINIMAGES', 'adminImages: Administrate media files');
@define('PERMISSION_ADMINIMAGESDIRECTORIES', 'adminImagesDirectories: Administrate media directories');
@define('PERMISSION_ADMINIMAGESADD', 'adminImagesAdd: Add new media files');
@define('PERMISSION_ADMINIMAGESDELETE', 'adminImagesDelete: Delete media files');
@define('PERMISSION_ADMINIMAGESMAINTAINOTHERS', 'adminImagesMaintainOthers: Administrate other user\'s media files');
@define('PERMISSION_ADMINIMAGESVIEW', 'adminImagesView: View media files');
@define('PERMISSION_ADMINIMAGESSYNC', 'adminImagesSync: Sync thumbnails');
@define('PERMISSION_ADMINCOMMENTS', 'adminComments: Administrate comments');
@define('PERMISSION_ADMINTEMPLATES', 'adminTemplates: Administrate templates');
@define('INSTALL_BLOG_EMAIL', 'Blog\'s E-Mail address');
@define('INSTALL_BLOG_EMAIL_DESC', 'This configures the E-Mail address that is used as the "From"-Part of outgoing mails. Be sure to set this to an address that is recognized by the mailserver used on your host - many mailservers reject messages that have unknown From-addresses.');
@define('CATEGORIES_PARENT_BASE', 'Only show categories below...');
@define('CATEGORIES_PARENT_BASE_DESC', 'You can choose a parent category so that only the child categories are shown.');
@define('CATEGORIES_HIDE_PARALLEL', 'Hide categories that are not part of the category tree');
@define('CATEGORIES_HIDE_PARALLEL_DESC', 'If you want to hide categories that are part of a different category tree, you need to enable this. This feature makes most sense if used in conjunction with a multi-blog using the "Properties/Tempaltes of categories" plugin.');
@define('PERMISSION_ADMINIMAGESVIEWOTHERS', 'adminImagesViewOthers: View other user\'s media files');
@define('CHARSET_NATIVE', 'Native');
@define('INSTALL_CHARSET', 'Charset selection');
@define('INSTALL_CHARSET_DESC', 'Here you can toggle UTF-8 or native (ISO, EUC, ...) charactersets. Some languages only have UTF-8 translations so that setting the charset to "Native" will have no effects. UTF-8 is suggested for new installations. Do not change this setting if you have already made entries with special characters - this may lead to corrupt characters. Be sure to read more on https://docs.s9y.org/docs/developers/internationalization.html about this issue.');
@define('CALENDAR_ENABLE_EXTERNAL_EVENTS', 'Enable Plugin API hook');
@define('CALENDAR_EXTEVENT_DESC', 'If enabled, plugins can hook into the calendar to display their own events highlighted. Only enable if you have installed plugins that need this, otherwise it just decreases performance.');
@define('XMLRPC_NO_LONGER_BUNDLED', 'The XML-RPC API Interface to Serendipity is no longer bundled because of ongoing security issues with this API and not many people using it. Thus you need to install the XML-RPC Plugin to use the XML-RPC API. The URL to use in your applications will NOT change - as soon as you have installed the plugin, you will again be able to use the API.');
@define('PERM_READ', 'Read permission');
@define('PERM_WRITE', 'Write permission');

@define('PERM_DENIED', 'Permission denied.');
@define('INSTALL_ACL', 'Apply read-permissions for categories');
@define('INSTALL_ACL_DESC', 'If enabled, the usergroup permission settings you setup for categories will be applied when logged-in users view your blog. If disabled, the read-permissions of the categories are NOT applied, but the positive effect is a little speedup on your blog. So if you don\'t need multi-user read permissions for your blog, disable this setting.');
@define('PLUGIN_API_VALIDATE_ERROR', 'Configuration syntax wrong for option "%s". Needs content of type "%s".');
@define('USERCONF_CHECK_PASSWORD', 'Old Password');
@define('USERCONF_CHECK_PASSWORD_DESC', 'If you change the password in the field above, you need to enter the current user password into this field.');
@define('USERCONF_CHECK_PASSWORD_ERROR', 'You did not specify the right old password, and are not authorized to change the new password. Your settings were not saved.');
@define('ERROR_XSRF', 'Your browser did not sent a valid HTTP-Referrer string. This may have either been caused by a misconfigured browser/proxy or by a Cross Site Request Forgery (XSRF) aimed at you. The action you requested could not be completed.');
@define('INSTALL_PERMALINK_FEEDAUTHOR_DESC', 'Here you can define the relative URL structure beginning from your base URL to where RSS-feeds from specific users may be viewed. You can use the variables %id%, %realname%, %username%, %email% and any other characters.');
@define('INSTALL_PERMALINK_FEEDAUTHOR', 'Permalink RSS-Feed Author URL structure');
@define('INSTALL_PERMALINK_AUTHORSPATH', 'Path to authors');
@define('AUTHORS', 'Authors');
@define('AUTHORS_ALLOW_SELECT', 'Allow visitors to display multiple authors at once?');
@define('AUTHORS_ALLOW_SELECT_DESC', 'If this option is enabled, a checkbox will be put next to each author in this sidebar plugin.  Users can check those boxes and see entries matching their selection.');
@define('AUTHOR_PLUGIN_DESC', 'Shows a list of authors');
@define('CATEGORY_PLUGIN_TEMPLATE', 'Enable Smarty-Templates?');
@define('CATEGORY_PLUGIN_TEMPLATE_DESC', 'If this option is enabled, the plugin will utilize Smarty-Templating features to output the category listing. If you enable this, you can change the layout via the "plugin_categories.tpl" template file. Enabling this option will impact performance, so if you do not need to make customizations, leave it disabled.');
@define('CATEGORY_PLUGIN_SHOWCOUNT', 'Show number of entries per category?');
@define('AUTHORS_SHOW_ARTICLE_COUNT', 'Show number of articles next to author name?');
@define('AUTHORS_SHOW_ARTICLE_COUNT_DESC', 'If this option is enabled, the number of articles by this author is shown next to the authors name in parentheses.');
@define('CUSTOM_ADMIN_INTERFACE', 'Custom admin interface available');

@define('COMMENT_NOT_ADDED', 'Din kommentar kunne ikke legges til fordi kommentarer til denne artikkelen er blitt deaktivert.'); // Retranslate: 'Your comment could not be added, because comments for this entry have either been disabled, you entered invalid data, or your comment was caught by anti-spam measurements.'
@define('INSTALL_TRACKREF', 'Enable referrer tracking?');
@define('INSTALL_TRACKREF_DESC', 'Enabling the referrer tracking will show you which sites refer to your articles. Today this is often abused for spamming, so you can disable it if you want.');
@define('CATEGORIES_HIDE_PARENT', 'Hide the selected parent category?');
@define('CATEGORIES_HIDE_PARENT_DESC', 'If you restrict the listing of categories to a specific category, by default you will see that parent category within the output listing. If you disable this option, the parent category name will not be displayed.');
@define('WARNING_NO_GROUPS_SELECTED', 'Warning: You did not select any group memberships. This would effectively log you out of the usergroup management, and thus your group memberships werde not changed.');
@define('INSTALL_RSSFETCHLIMIT', 'Entries to display in Feeds');
@define('INSTALL_RSSFETCHLIMIT_DESC', 'Number of entries to display for each page on the RSS Feed.');
@define('INSTAL_DB_UTF8', 'Enable DB-charset conversion');
@define('INSTAL_DB_UTF8_DESC', 'Issues a MySQL "SET NAMES" query to indicate the required charset for the database. Turn this on or off, if you see weird characters in your blog.');
@define('ONTHEFLYSYNCH', 'Enable on-the-fly media synchronization');
@define('ONTHEFLYSYNCH_DESC', 'If enabled, Serendipity will compare the media database with the files stored on your server and synchronize the database and directory contents.');
@define('USERCONF_CHECK_USERNAME_ERROR', 'The username cannot be left blank.');
@define('FURTHER_LINKS', 'Further Links');
@define('FURTHER_LINKS_S9Y', 'Serendipity Homepage');
@define('FURTHER_LINKS_S9Y_DOCS', 'Serendipity Documentation');
@define('FURTHER_LINKS_S9Y_BLOG', 'Official Blog');
@define('FURTHER_LINKS_S9Y_FORUMS', 'Forums');
@define('FURTHER_LINKS_S9Y_SPARTACUS', 'Spartacus');
@define('COMMENT_IS_DELETED', '(Comment removed)');

@define('CURRENT_AUTHOR', 'Current author');

@define('WORD_NEW', 'New');
@define('SHOW_MEDIA_TOOLBAR', 'Show toolbar within media selector popup?');
@define('MEDIA_KEYWORDS', 'Media keywords');
@define('MEDIA_KEYWORDS_DESC', 'Enter a list of ";" separated words that you want to use as pre-defined keywords for media items.');
@define('MEDIA_EXIF', 'Import EXIF/JPEG image data');
@define('MEDIA_EXIF_DESC', 'If enabled, existing EXIF/JPEG metadata of images will be parsed and stored in the database for display in the media gallery.');
@define('MEDIA_PROP', 'Media properties');

@define('GO_ADD_PROPERTIES', 'Go & enter properties');
@define('MEDIA_PROPERTY_COPYRIGHT', 'Copyright');
@define('MEDIA_PROPERTY_COMMENT1', 'Short Comment');
@define('MEDIA_PROPERTY_COMMENT2', 'Long Comment');
@define('MEDIA_PROPERTY_TITLE', 'Title');
@define('MEDIA_PROP_DESC', 'Enter a list of ";" separated property fields you want to define for each media file');
@define('MEDIA_PROP_MULTIDESC', '(You can append ":MULTI" after any item to indicate that this item will contain long text instead of just some characters)');

@define('STYLE_OPTIONS_NONE', 'This theme/style has no specific options. To see how your template can specify options, read the Technical Documentation on www.s9y.org about "Configuration of Theme options".');
@define('STYLE_OPTIONS', 'Theme/Style options');

@define('PLUGIN_AVAILABLE_COUNT', 'Total: %d plugins.');

@define('SYNDICATION_RFC2616', 'Activate strict RFC2616 RSS-Feed compliance');
@define('SYNDICATION_RFC2616_DESC', 'NOT Enforcing RFC2616 means that all Conditional GETs to Serendipity will return entries last modified since the time of the last request. With that setting to "false", your visitors will get all articles since their last request, which is considered a good thing. However, some Agents like Planet act weird, if that happens, at it also violates RFC2616. So if you set this option to "TRUE" you will comply with that RFC, but readers of your RSS feed might miss items in their holidays. So either way, either it hearts Aggregators like Planet, or it hurts actual readers of your blog. If you are facing complaints from either side, you can toggle this option. Reference: <a href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1461728&amp;group_id=75065&amp;atid=542822" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">SourceForge</a>');
@define('MEDIA_PROPERTY_DATE', 'Associated Date');
@define('MEDIA_PROPERTY_RUN_LENGTH', 'Run-Length');
@define('FILENAME_REASSIGNED', 'Automagically assigned new file name: %s');
@define('MEDIA_UPLOAD_SIZE', 'Max. file upload size');
@define('MEDIA_UPLOAD_SIZE_DESC', 'Enter the maximum filesize for uploaded files in bytes. This setting can be overruled by server-side settings in PHP.ini: upload_max_filesize, post_max_size, max_input_time all take precedence over this option. An empty string means to only use the server-side limits.');
@define('MEDIA_UPLOAD_SIZEERROR', 'Error: You cannot upload files larger than %s bytes!');
@define('MEDIA_UPLOAD_MAXWIDTH', 'Max. width of image files for upload');
@define('MEDIA_UPLOAD_MAXWIDTH_DESC', 'Enter the maximum image width in pixels for uploaded images.');
@define('MEDIA_UPLOAD_MAXHEIGHT', 'Max. height of image files for upload');
@define('MEDIA_UPLOAD_MAXHEIGHT_DESC', 'Enter the maximum image height in pixels for uploaded images.');
@define('MEDIA_UPLOAD_DIMERROR', 'Error: You cannot upload image files larger than %s x %s pixels!');

@define('MEDIA_TARGET', 'Target for this link');
@define('MEDIA_TARGET_JS', 'Popup window (via JavaScript, adaptive size)');
@define('MEDIA_ENTRY', 'Isolated Entry');
@define('MEDIA_TARGET_BLANK', 'Popup window (via target=_blank)');

@define('MEDIA_DYN_RESIZE', 'Allow dynamic image resizing?');
@define('MEDIA_DYN_RESIZE_DESC', 'If enabled, the media selector can return images in any requested size via a GET variable. The results are cached, and thus can create a large filebase if you make intensive use of it.');

@define('MEDIA_DIRECTORY_MOVED', 'Directory and files were successfully moved to %s');
@define('MEDIA_DIRECTORY_MOVE_ERROR', 'Directory and files could not be moved to %s!');
@define('MEDIA_DIRECTORY_MOVE_ENTRY', 'On Non-MySQL databases, iterating through every article to replace the old directory URLs with new directory URLs is not possible. You will need to manually edit your entries to fix new URLs. You can still move your old directory back to where it was, if that is too cumbersome for you.');
@define('MEDIA_DIRECTORY_MOVE_ENTRIES', 'Moved the URL of the moved directory in %s entries.');
@define('PLUGIN_ACTIVE', 'Active');
@define('PLUGIN_INACTIVE', 'Inactive');
@define('PREFERENCE_USE_JS', 'Enable advanced JS usage?');
@define('PREFERENCE_USE_JS_DESC', 'If enabled, advanced JavaScript sections will be enabled for better usability, like in the Plugin Configuration section you can use drag and drop for re-ordering plugins.');

@define('PREFERENCE_USE_JS_WARNING', '(This page uses advanced JavaScripting. If you are having functionality issues, please disable the use of advanced JS usage in your personal preferences or disable your browser\'s JavaScript)');

@define('INSTALL_PERMALINK_COMMENTSPATH', 'Path to comments');
@define('PERM_SET_CHILD', 'Set the same permissions on all child directories');
@define('PERMISSION_FORBIDDEN_PLUGINS', 'Forbidden plugins');
@define('PERMISSION_FORBIDDEN_HOOKS', 'Forbidden events');
@define('PERMISSION_FORBIDDEN_ENABLE', 'Enable Plugin ACL for usergroups?');
@define('PERMISSION_FORBIDDEN_ENABLE_DESC', 'If the option "Plugin ACL for usergroups" is enabled in the configuration, you can specify which usergroups are allowed to execute certain plugins/events.');
@define('DELETE_SELECTED_ENTRIES', 'Delete selected entries');
@define('PLUGIN_AUTHORS_MINCOUNT', 'Show only authors with at least X articles');
@define('FURTHER_LINKS_S9Y_BOOKMARKLET', 'Bookmarklet');
@define('FURTHER_LINKS_S9Y_BOOKMARKLET_DESC', 'Bookmark this link and then use it on any page you want to blog about to quickly access your Serendipity Blog.');
@define('IMPORT_WP_PAGES', 'Also fetch attachments and staticpages as normal blog entries?');
@define('USERCONF_CREATE', 'Disable user / forbid activity?');
@define('USERCONF_CREATE_DESC', 'If selected, the user will not have any editing or creation possibilities on the blog anymore. When logging in to the backend, he cannot do anything else apart from logging out and viewing his personal configuration.');
@define('CATEGORY_HIDE_SUB', 'Hide postings made to sub-categories?');
@define('CATEGORY_HIDE_SUB_DESC', 'By default, when you browse a category also entries of any subcategory are displayed. If this option is turned on, only postings of the currently selected category are displayed.');
@define('PINGBACK_SENDING', 'Sending pingback to URI %s...');
@define('PINGBACK_SENT', 'Pingback successful');
@define('PINGBACK_FAILED', 'Pingback failed: %s');
@define('PINGBACK_NOT_FOUND', 'No pingback-URI found.');
@define('CATEGORY_PLUGIN_HIDEZEROCOUNT', 'Hide archives link when no entries were made in that timespan (requires counting entries)');
@define('RSS_IMPORT_WPXRSS', 'WordPress eXtended RSS import, requires PHP5 and might take up much memory');
@define('SET_TO_MODERATED', 'Moderate');
@define('COMMENT_MODERATED', 'Comment #%s has successfully been set as moderated');
@define('CENTER', 'center');
@define('FULL_COMMENT_TEXT', 'Yes, with full comment text');

@define('COMMENT_TOKENS', 'Use Tokens for Comment Moderation?');
@define('COMMENT_TOKENS_DESC', 'If tokens are used, comments can be approved and deleted by clicking the email links without requiring login access to the blog. Note that this is a convenience feature, and if your mails get hijacked, those people can approve/delete the referenced comment without further authentication.');
@define('COMMENT_NOTOKENMATCH', 'Moderation link has expired or comment #%s has already been approved or deleted');
@define('TRACKBACK_NOTOKENMATCH', 'Moderation link has expired or trackback #%s has already been approved or deleted');
@define('BADTOKEN', 'Invalid Moderation Link'); 

@define('CONFIRMATION_MAIL_ALWAYS', "Hello %s,\n\nYou have sent a new comment to \"%s\". Your comment was:\n\n%s\n\nThe owner of the blog has enabled mail verification, so you need to click on the following link to authenticate your comment:\n<%s>\n");
@define('CONFIRMATION_MAIL_ONCE', "Hello %s,\n\nYou have sent a new comment to \"%s\". Your comment was:\n\n%s\n\nThe owner of the blog has enabled one-time mail verification, so you need to click on the following link to authenticate your comment:\n<%s>\n\nAfter you have done that, you can always post comments on that blog with your username and e-mail address without receiving such notifications.");
@define('INSTALL_SUBSCRIBE_OPTIN', 'Use Double-Opt In for comment subscriptions?');
@define('INSTALL_SUBSCRIBE_OPTIN_DESC', 'If enabled, when a comment is made where the person wants to be notified via e-mail about new comments to the same entry, he must confirm his subscription to the entry. This Double-Opt In is required by german law, for example.');
@define('CONFIRMATION_MAIL_SUBSCRIPTION', "Hello %s,\n\nYou have requested to be notified for comments to \"%s\" (<%s>). To approve this subscription (\"Double Opt In\") please click this link:\n<%s>\n.");
@define('NOTIFICATION_CONFIRM_SUBMAIL', 'Your confirmation of your comment subscription has been successfully entered.');
@define('NOTIFICATION_CONFIRM_MAIL', 'Your confirmation of the comment has been successfully entered.');
@define('NOTIFICATION_CONFIRM_SUBMAIL_FAIL', 'Your comment subscription could not be confirmed. Please check the link you clicked on for completion. If the link was sent more than 3 weeks ago, you must request a new confirmation mail.');
@define('NOTIFICATION_CONFIRM_MAIL_FAIL', 'Your comment confirmation could not be confirmed.  Please check the link you clicked on for completion. If the link was sent more than 3 weeks ago, you must send your comment again.');
@define('PLUGIN_DOCUMENTATION', 'Documentation');
@define('PLUGIN_DOCUMENTATION_LOCAL', 'Local Documentation');
@define('PLUGIN_DOCUMENTATION_CHANGELOG', 'Version history');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_BIGIMG', 'Big Image');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_BIGIMG_DESC', 'Display a (big) image at the top of the feeds in sidebar, enter full or absolute URL to image file.');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_FEEDNAME', 'Displayed name for "feed"');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_FEEDNAME_DESC', 'Enter an optional custom name for the feeds (defaults to "feed" when empty)');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_COMMENTNAME', 'Displayed name for "comment" feed');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_COMMENTNAME_DESC', 'Enter an optional custom name for the comment feed');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_FEEDBURNERID_FORWARD', '(If you enter an absolute URL with http://... here, this URL will be used as the redirection target in case you have enabled the "Force" option for FeedBurner. Note that this can also be a URL independent to FeedBurner. For new Google FeedBurner feeds, you need to enter http://feeds2.feedburner.com/yourfeedname here)');

@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_FEEDBURNERID_FORWARD2', 'If you set this option to "Force" you can forward the RSS feed to any webservice, not only FeedBurner. Look at the option "Feedburner ID" below to enter an absolute URL)');
@define('COMMENTS_FILTER_NEED_CONFIRM', 'Pending user confirmation');
@define('NOT_WRITABLE_SPARTACUS', ' (Only required when you plan to use Spartacus plugin for remote plugin download)');
@define('MEDIA_ALT', 'ALT-Attribute (depiction or short description)');
@define('MEDIA_PROPERTY_ALT', 'Depiction (summary for ALT-Attribute)');

@define('MEDIA_TITLE', 'TITLE-Attribute (will be displayed on mouse over)');

@define('QUICKSEARCH_SORT', 'How should search-results be sorted?');

@define('QUICKSEARCH_SORT_RELEVANCE', 'Relevance');

@define('PERMISSION_HIDDENGROUP', 'Hidden group / Non-Author');

@define('SEARCH_FULLENTRY', 'Show full entry');
@define('NAVLINK_AMOUNT', 'Enter number of links in the navbar (needs reload of the Manage Styles page)');
@define('NAV_LINK_TEXT', 'Enter the navbar link text');
@define('NAV_LINK_URL', 'Enter the full URL of your link');
@define('MODERATE_SELECTED_COMMENTS', 'Accept selected comments');
@define('WEBLOG', 'Weblog');
@define('ACTIVE_COMMENT_SUBSCRIPTION', 'Subscribed');
@define('PENDING_COMMENT_SUBSCRIPTION', 'Pending confirmation');
@define('NO_COMMENT_SUBSCRIPTION', 'Not subscribed');
@define('SUMMARY', 'Summary');

// Next lines were added on 2012/05/29
@define('ABOUT_TO_DELETE_FILES', 'You are about to delete a bunch of files at once.<br />If you are using these in some of your entries, it will cause dead links or images<br />Are you sure you wish to proceed?<br /><br />');
@define('ARCHIVE_SORT_STABLE', 'Stable Archives');
@define('ARCHIVE_SORT_STABLE_DESC', 'Sort the archive-pages descending, so they are stable and search-crawler do not have to reindex them.');
@define('PLAIN_ASCII_NAMES', '(no special characters, umlauts)');
// New 2.0 constants
@define('SIMPLE_FILTERS', 'Simplified filters');
@define('SIMPLE_FILTERS_DESC', 'When enabled, search forms and filter functions are reduced to essential options. When disabled, you will see every possible filter option, i.e. in the media library or the entry editor.');
@define('TOGGLE_SELECT', 'Mark for selection');
@define('MORE', 'More');
@define('ENTRY_STATUS', 'Entry status');
@define('SCHEDULED', 'Scheduled');
@define('PUBLISHED', 'Published');
@define('ENTRY_METADATA', 'Entry metadata');
@define('NAVIGATION', 'Navigation');
@define('MAIN_MENU', 'Main menu');
@define('MENU_PERSONAL', 'Personal menu');
@define('MENU_DASHBOARD', 'Dashboard');
@define('MENU_ACTIVITY', 'Activity');
@define('MENU_SETTINGS', 'Settings');
@define('MENU_TEMPLATES', 'Templates');
@define('MENU_PLUGINS', 'Plugins');
@define('MENU_USERS', 'Users');
@define('MENU_GROUPS', 'Groups');
@define('MENU_MAINTENANCE', 'Maintenance');
@define('ALIGN_TOP', 'Top');
@define('ALIGN_LEFT', 'Left');
@define('ALIGN_RIGHT', 'Right');
@define('SHOW_METADATA', 'Show metadata');
@define('RANGE_FROM', 'From');
@define('RANGE_TO', 'To');
@define('UPLOAD', 'Upload');
@define('DOWNLOAD', 'Download');
@define('ENTRY_PUBLISHED', 'Entry #%s published');
@define('PUBLISH_ERROR', 'Error publishing entry:');
@define('UPDATE_NOTIFICATION', 'Update notification');
@define('NEW_VERSION_AVAILABLE', 'New stable Serendipity version available: ');
@define('MOVE', 'Move');
@define('MOVE_UP', 'Move up');
@define('MOVE_DOWN', 'Move down');
@define('INSTALL_NEW_SIDEBAR_PLUGIN', 'Install a new sidebar plugin');
@define('INSTALL_NEW_EVENT_PLUGIN', 'Install a new event plugin');
@define('TEMPLATE_OPTIONS', 'Template options');
@define('CURRENT_TEMPLATE', 'Current Template');
@define('TEMPLATE_INFO', 'Show template info');
@define('AVAILABLE_TEMPLATES', 'Available Templates');
@define('TIMESTAMP_RESET', 'The timestamp has been reset to the current time.');

@define('CLEANCOMPILE_PASS', '[smarty clearCompiledTemplate(%s)]');
@define('CLEANCOMPILE_FAIL', 'No files available for clearing.');
@define('CLEANCOMPILE_TITLE', 'Clear template cache');
@define('CLEANCOMPILE_INFO', 'This will purge all compiled template files of the currently active template. Compiled templates will be automatically re-created on demand by the Smarty framework.');
@define('INSTALLER_KEY', 'Key');
@define('INSTALLER_VALUE', 'Value');
@define('CURRENT_TAB', 'Current tab: ');
@define('PINGBACKS', 'Pingbacks');
@define('NO_PINGBACKS', 'No Pingbacks');
@define('GROUP_NAME_DESC', "Use as uppercased eg. 'EXAMPLE_GROUP' name, but not as a constant 'USERLEVEL_XYZ' group name.");
@define('INSTALLER_CLI_TOOLS', 'Server-side command line tools');
@define('INSTALLER_CLI_TOOLNAME', 'CLI tool');
@define('INSTALLER_CLI_TOOLSTATUS', 'Executable?');
@define('VIDEO', 'Video');
@define('RESET_FILTERS', 'Reset filters');
@define('UPDATE_FAILMSG', 'Check for new Serendipity version failed. This can happen because either the URL https://raw.github.com/s9y/Serendipity/master/docs/RELEASE is down, your server blocks outgoing connections or there are other connection issues.');
@define('UPDATE_FAILACTION', 'Disable automatic update check');
@define('UPDATE_NOTIFICATION_DESC', 'Show the update notification in the Dashboard, and for which channel?');
@define('FRONTEND', 'Frontend');
@define('BACKEND', 'Backend');
@define('MEDIA_UPLOAD_RESIZE', 'Resize before Upload');
@define('MEDIA_UPLOAD_RESIZE_DESC', 'Resize images before the upload using Javascript. This will also change the uploader to use Ajax and thus remove the Property-Button');
@define('LOG_LEVEL', 'Log Level');
@define('LOG_LEVEL_DESC', 'At certain places in the Serendipity code we have placed debugging breakpoints. If this option is set to "Debug", it will write this debug output to templates_c/logs/. You should only enable this option if you are experiencing bugs in those areas, or if you are a developer. Setting this option to "Error" will enable logging PHP errors, overwriting the PHP error_log setting.');
@define('DEBUG', 'Debug');
@define('CUSTOM_CONFIG', 'Custom configuration file');
@define('PLUGIN_ALREADY_INSTALLED', 'Plugin already installed, and does not support multiple installation ("stackable").');
@define('INSTALL_DBPREFIX_INVALID', 'The database table name prefix must not be empty and may only contain letters, numbers and the underscore character.');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_SUBTOME_DESC', 'Show the subToMe button, a layer to make feed subscription easier');
@define('SYNDICATE_THIS_BLOG', 'Subscribe');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_BIGIMG_DESC', 'Display a (big) image at the top of the feeds in sidebar, enter full or absolute URL to image file. Set to "none" to show a textlink (the old default)');
@define('INSTALL_BACKENDPOPUP', 'Enable use of popup windows for the backend');
@define('INSTALL_BACKENDPOPUP_DESC', 'Do you want to use popup windows for some backend functionality? When disabled (default), inline modal dialogs will be used for e.g. the category selector and media library.');
@define('UPDATE_STABLE', 'stable');
@define('UPDATE_BETA', 'beta');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_FEEDFORMAT', 'Feed format');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_FEEDFORMAT_DESC', 'Which format shall be used for all feeds. Both are supported in all common readers');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_COMMENTFEED', 'Comment feed');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_COMMENTFEED_DESC', 'Show an additional link to a comment feed. This should be interesting only to the blogauthor itself');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_FEEDICON', 'Feed icon');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_FEEDICON_DESC', 'Show a (big) icon insteaf of a textlink to the feed. Set to "none" to deactivate, or to "feedburner" to show a feedburner counter if an id is given below');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_CUSTOMURL_DESC', 'If you want to link to the custom feed specified in the blog configuration, enable this option.');
@define('FEED_CUSTOM', 'Custom feed URL');
@define('FEED_CUSTOM_DESC', 'If set, a custom feed URL can be set to forward Feedreaders to a specific URL. Useful for statistical analyzers like Feedburner, in which case you would enter your Feedburner-URL here.');
@define('FEED_FORCE', 'Force custom feed URL?');
@define('FEED_FORCE_DESC', 'If enabled, the URL entered above will be mandatory for Feedreaders, and your usual feed cannot be accessed from clients.');
@define('NO_UPDATES', 'No plugin updates are available');
@define('PLUGIN_GROUP_ALL', 'All categories');

@define('CONF_USE_AUTOSAVE', 'Enable autosave-feature');
@define('CONF_USE_AUTOSAVE_DESC', 'When enabled, the text you enter into blog entries will be periodically saved in your browser\'s session storage. If your browser crashes during writing, the next time you create a new entry, the text will be restored from this autosave.');
@define('INSTALL_CAT_FEEDS', 'Feed Settings');
@define('USERCONF_USE_CORE_WYSIWYG_TOOLBAR', 'Toolbar for WYSIWYG editor');
@define('USERCONF_USE_CORE_WYSIWYG_TOOLBAR_DESC', 'Sets the list of available toolbar buttons for the WYSIWYG-Editor. If you need to further change those presets, you can create a file templates/XXX/admin/ckeditor_custom_config.js. For further details please check out the files htmlarea/ckeditor_s9y_config.js and htmlarea/ckeditor_s9y_plugin.js.');
@define('USERCONF_WYSIWYG_PRESET_S9Y', 'Serendipity (default)');
@define('USERCONF_WYSIWYG_PRESET_CKE', 'CKEditor Full');
@define('USERCONF_WYSIWYG_PRESET_NOCC_S9Y', 'Force: Serendipity');
@define('USERCONF_WYSIWYG_PRESET_NOCC_BASIC', 'Force: Reduced');
@define('USERCONF_WYSIWYG_PRESET_NOCC_CKE', 'Force: CKEditor Full');

@define('CATEGORY_PLUGIN_SHOWALL', 'Show a link to "All categories"?');
@define('CATEGORY_PLUGIN_SHOWALL', 'If enabled, a link for the visitor to display the blog with no category restriction will be added.');
@define('SERENDIPITY_PHPVERSION_FAIL', 'Serendipity requires a PHP version >= %2$s - you are running a lower version (%1$s) and need to upgrade your PHP version. Most providers offer you to switch to newer PHP versions through their admin panels or .htaccess directives.');
@define('TOGGLE_VIEW', 'Switch category view mode');
@define('PUBLISH_NOW', 'Publish this entry now (sets current time and date)');
@define('EDITOR_TAGS', 'Tags');
@define('EDITOR_NO_TAGS', 'No tags');
@define('DASHBOARD_ENTRIES', 'In Progress');
@define('INSTALL_PASSWORD2', 'Admin password (verify)');
@define('INSTALL_PASSWORD2_DESC', 'Password for admin login, enter again to verify.');
@define('INSTALL_PASSWORD_INVALID', 'Your entered passwords for the administrator user do not match.');
@define('INSTALL_BACKENDPOPUP_GRANULAR', 'Force specific backend popups');
@define('INSTALL_BACKENDPOPUP_GRANULAR_DESC', 'If you generally disable backend popups, you can specifically force using popups for specific places by entering a comma seperated list of places here. Available places are: ');
@define('START_UPDATE', 'Starting Update ...');
@define('UPDATE_ALL', 'Update All');
@define('JS_FAILURE', 'The Serendipity JavaScript-library could not be loaded. This can happen due to PHP or Plugin errors, or even a malformed browser cache. To check the exact error please open <a href="%1$s">%1$s</a> manually in your browser and check for error messages.');
@define('THEMES_PREVIEW_BLOG', 'See demo on blog.s9y.org');
@define('SYNDICATION_PLUGIN_XML_DESC', 'Set to "none" if you only want to show a text link.');
@define('MULTICHECK_NO_ITEM', 'No item selected, please check at least one. <a href="%s">Return to previous page</a>.');
@define('MULTICHECK_NO_DIR', 'No directory selected, please choose one. <a href="%s">Return to previous page</a>.');
@define('BULKMOVE_INFO', 'Bulk-move info');
@define('BULKMOVE_INFO_DESC', 'You can select multiple files to bulk-move them to a new location. <strong>Note:</strong> This action cannot be undone, just like bulk-deletion of multiple files. All checked files will be physically moved, and referring blog entries are rewritten to point to the new location.');
@define('FIRST_PAGE', 'First Page');
@define('LAST_PAGE', 'Last Page');
@define('MEDIA_PROPERTIES_DONE', 'Properties of #%d changed.');
@define('DIRECTORY_INFO', 'Directory info');
@define('DIRECTORY_INFO_DESC', 'Directories reflect their physical folder directory name. If you want to change or move directories which contain items, you have two choices. Either create the directory or subdirectory you want, then move the items to the new directory via the media library and afterwards, delete the empty old directory there. Or completely change the whole old directory via the edit directory button below and rename it to whatever you like (existing subdir/ + newname). This will move all directories and items and change referring blog entries.');
@define('MEDIA_RESIZE_EXISTS', 'File dimensions already exist!');
@define('USE_CACHE', 'Enable caching');
@define('USE_CACHE_DESC', 'Enables an internal cache to not repeat specific database queries. This reduces the load on servers with medium to high traffic and improves page load time.');
@define('CONFIG_PERMALINK_PATH_DESC', 'Please note that you have to use a prefix so that Serendipity can properly map the URL to the proper action. You may change the prefix to any unique name, but not remove it. This applies to all path prefix definitions.');
@define('CONFIG_ALLOW_LOCAL_URL', 'Allow to fetch data from local URLs');
@define('CONFIG_ALLOW_LOCAL_URL_DESC', 'By default, it is forbidden due to security constrains to fetch data from local URLs to prevent Server Side Request Forgers (SSRF). If you use a local intranet, you can enable this option to allow fetching data.');
@define('REMOTE_FILE_INVALID', 'The given URL appears to be local and is not allowed to be fetched. You can allow this by setting the option "Allow to fetch data from local URLs" in your blog configuration.');
@define('URL_NOT_FOUND', 'The requested page could not be found (404). This is the default page.');
@define('INSERT_ALL', 'Insert All');
@define('COMMENT_NOT_DELETED', 'Could not delete comment #%s .');
@define('MAINTENANCE_MODE', 'Maintenance Mode');
@define('MAINTENANCE_MODE_DESC', 'Activate maintenance mode to prevent access from users that are not logged in.');
@define('MAINTENANCE_MODE_WARNING', "Do not log out, as you won't be able to log in again until maintenance mode expires!");
@define('MAINTENANCE_MODE_DURATION', 'Duration (in hours):');
@define('MAINTENANCE_MODE_TIME', 'Will be active until');
@define('MAINTENANCE_MODE_ACTIVATE', 'Activate');
@define('MAINTENANCE_MODE_DEACTIVATE', 'Deactivate');
@define('PLUGIN_LINK_SPARTACUS', 'More information');
@define('PLUGIN_ALL_UPDATED', 'All Plugins updated');